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Training Manager


Hi all
I am relatively new to the role of Training Manager and have no qualifications other than I have been involved in managing and training staff for nearly twenty years.

My boss has told me to attend a seminar to see how other companies manage training, but I am not sure of the type of course that would be of any great help.

Have any of you guys any ideas as to the direction I should take? any help greatly appreciated



2 Responses

  1. Networking

    Why not try a few local networking events to get this kind of insight? It’s cheap and may be a more personal approach than a seminar.

    But a word of caution, because it works elsewhere doesn’t mean that it will work for you. A training needs analysis is a good place to start and then a lot of the “management” side will fall out of that.

    Good luck!

  2. The trick is in the resources
    Hi Karl,

    I was in a similar position myself a few years back and I learned some key points about managing a training department.

    It would be useful to know if you are managing internal training, public/bespoke training or both.

    My experience comes from the both sides, with a heavy emphasis on public/bespoke training.

    1. The scheduling of courses and assigning the specific resource to meet the requirements is not always as simple as it sounds. Ensure your team are ready, willing and able to meet requirements. Also, filling the slots of a scheduled public course can be a challenge and monitoring the ‘take up’ closely in order to provide required cancellation notice is iportant.

    2. Always attempt to get the course payment prior to the delivery of the course. Once it’s delivered you suddenly find delegates/customers have no incentive to pay quickly and this can eat into your profits and cash flow. Strong T&C’s!

    3. Closely monitor feedback from courses delivered and actively take it on board. look for ways to work with trainers to bring innovative training experiences to delegates. Be involved with trainers regarding delivery and development.

    4. Find out what your trainers can offer that others can’t and make it a selling point. Find out your trainers passion and values. Work with their strengths, and encourage creativity

    5. Work to customer requirements but manage customer expectations. Be clear about what you can and will deliver. Honesty often gets repeat business.

    6. Focus on building a great training team, by understanding their strengths and weaknesses and identify what is the one thing that is most important to each individual that will make them more passionate not only about their work but the company they are working for. Attaining that level of passion is the best marketing a training company can have

    This has all just flowed so may be a tad disjointed. I do hope some of this adds value.

    Please feel free to contact me if you believe I can assist you further.

    Congratulations and enjoy!