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training for team facilitators


myself and members of my team have had some experience of facilitating team meetings and team building/development events but would like some top up training. Does anyone have any recommendations for videos / books etc and possibly courses?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Richard Rogers

4 Responses

  1. Communications in Action

    This may or may not be quite what you are after, but I have found Peter Freeth from Communications in Action ( extremely helpful in helping my teams improve in these areas.Whilst not as cheap as a video or book, I can think of no-one better to help develop a team in these skills. I have learned a tremendous amount through working with him.

    In terms of books, one of the best books I have come across recently is “Accelerating performance: Powerful techniques to develop people”, by Sunny Stout Rostron. Written in 2002, paperback, published by Kogan Page; ISBN: 0749436425, it is eye opening, and is available from Amazon.


    David C Nicoll

  2. Two books to recommend
    Hi Richard

    I found two books particularly helpful and would recommend them:

    Facilitation Skills by Frances and Roland Bee
    ISBN 0-85292-733-9
    pub: CIPD

    Facilitation Made Easy by Esther Cameron
    ISBN 0-7494-3608-5
    pub: Kogan Page

    Good luck.


  3. Joiner
    The Team Handbook by Peter R Scholtes published by (and know as)Joiner ISBN 0-9622264-0-8 is considered to be the very best manual, particularly where the teams are working on quality issues.

  4. Facilitating with Ease
    My all-time favourite book on team-building facilitation is Facilitating with Ease! by Ingrid Bens. It is the most clear and comprehensive program I have run across.
    All the best,