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NVQ Learning & Development


Can anyone recomend a book that will help me please????
Dwyne Hill

8 Responses

  1. NVQ Learning & Development
    Hi Dwyne, I would look to the awarding body for a copy of the standards, or the training provider who you are doing your level 4 with.

  2. Arian Associates Ltd
    Sorry to sound cynical :-

    But what sort of training provider are you dealing with that doesn’t give you any information as to the Knowledge & Understanding you need and the Standards you are working to ?
    It would appear you are being left to god and good fortune if you have to resort to asking for help through Training Zone.
    It is these sort of trainers who get as all a bad name.

    As with comment below I would go back to your provider – but demand they come up with some support and information and contact the Awarding Body and complain.

  3. Recommended books
    I agree with others. Go to your provider and get a booklist and don’t take no for an answer. If they are an accredited centre they must make provision for this sort of thing.
    However, to answer your query directly I would recommend:
    Learning and Development by Rosemary Harrison (2005, CIPD) – covers much of the ground relating to level 4 and some academic references too.
    The Theory and Practice of Training by Roger Buckley and Jim Caple (2004 edition or later, Kogan Page) – this is an old favourite that is practical and solid.
    Neither is cheap (about £25) but they should earn their shelf space.
    There are lots more on specific aspects such as evaluation etc. and that is why a proper booklist, and library facility, is handy.
    Training and Development NVQs by Walklin is a bit out of date (it may be out of print) and the referencing of the standards will be different, but might be useful for an inside look at the assessment process etc.. I’d look to get one from the library rather than buy it.
    Best of luck!

  4. Contact your centre and if not satisfied contact the awarding bo
    I agree with the previous comments and find it difficult to understand why your centre is not supporting you with this information. A couple of other ideas are that Stanley Thornes Publishing may
    have some good texts, they are one of the leading publishers in this field.
    CIPD also has a good library. The awarding body would be interested in the service you are receiving, if you contact their customer services department they could offer advice if you would like to take this further.

  5. Just starting this course myself
    I find it worrying that you are having this trouble. I hope my training provider can at least give me a list of books to read – I’ll keep you posted.

  6. Recommendation
    Can I recommend ENTO’s Best Practice in Assessment and Verification as a reference for assessing and internal verification? Since they wrote the standards they should know.

  7. Excellent Book

    I am also currently doing my L&D Level 4 and have found Psychology for Trainers very useful by Rice and Hardingham (CIPD). Teaching, Training and Learning (a Practical Guide) by Reece and Walker is also excellent!

    Good luck!

  8. I have recently completed L&D at Level 4
    Sorry, but I have to agree with the other comments. Your training provider should supply you with the standards for this NVQ.

    Before enrolling onto this qualification. Was you not made aware of the occupational competence requirements?

    When completing this award myself I referred to the standards as ‘my bible’. My provider was very supportive, each time we met, individual action plans were discussed and agreed inline with the evidence requirements.

    Starting any course can be nerve racking, the thought that a candidate may be put in a position were they may feel vulnerable is outrageous. Please speak with your provider – request they come up with support and resources. If no joy contact the Awarding Body and complain.