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What’s the difference between……


I am proposing to adopt a standard approach to identifying training needs company wide and would like some help in selecting the best approach.

It needs to be something that I can roll out across the organisation, incorporating remote centres as well and the central office.

Some of the current practice breaking the role down into tasks, and assessing the level of competency - isn't this skill auditing?

Confused and awaiting your help.

Many thanks,
emily marosi

One Response

  1. KSAs
    Breaking the job down into tasks and assessing whether the employee is competent can be skill auditing. We do this to help identify gaps and therefore plan training however, training needs is more in depth than just assessing a current employee doing a job.

    You should be looking at the knowledge, skills and attitudes of people, set competencies for the positions and then you will have a yardstick to measure against.

    A needs assessment is a process of gathering and analyzing performance related data to identify:

    1. Whether performance gaps exist between expected outcomes and actual outcomes,
    2. Why these gaps exist, and
    3. What action should be taken to eliminate any gaps.

    I have some more info, paper based, so if you want I can fax it to you.