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Visions & Values at Induction


As an organisation, we have a mission statement, and set of visions and core values. In our current Company Induction, we touch on these, but would really like to give them more emphasis so all our new starters get a good understanding of the ethos of the organisation and also to understand that these values should be at the core of everything that they do at work.

I have read some of the previous posts on this subject about communicating the values and know that some of the responses have been a bit negative suggesting that these values shouls be apparent anyway. But would really love to know if anyone has any ideas how we could incorporate a short exercise into the Company Induction day which will plant the seed of thought to all our new starters?

Our induction days normally have around 12 staff attending.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Amanda Kerr

5 Responses

  1. Activities to try
    Hi Amanda

    I think you’re absolutely right in your approach. Unless people can see how the values can be integrated into their working life, they will remain something that simply sits on the wall.

    Activities that I’ve used in the past have included:

    1. Ask the group to think about their first day/week in the organisation. Ask them in small groups to think about where and how they’ve seen the values demonstrated? Then ask them to think about a time when they haven’t seen the values demonstrated – and what could have been done differently.

    2. Working in pairs, ask staff to identify 2 things they could do in their first month, that would demonstrate one of the company values.

    3. If staff work directly with customers/clients/general public – ask them to identify how these groups might feel if a particular value was being demonstrated. What actions could staff take to ensure that company values permeate through to these groups.

    4. Write some simple case studies, where the values are evident and non-evident. Ask the group to identify which values have been shown and how, and what could have been done differently.

    Hope this provides you with some ideas Amanda.

    I’ve done a lot of work in this area, so please feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss in more detail.

    Best wishes,


  2. Values & induction
    I think Kirsten as offered some excellent advice.
    If you have enough time you could also ask the group to either briefly demonstrate or give examples of what the opposite might look like for selected values – ie actively contradicting those values. This can inject a bit of fun – though you need to be careful which values you choose; you don’t want people making racist or sexist comments for example.
    This approach is not just about bringing a bit of lightness to the session, in cognitive learning terms it is called ‘distinguishing’. It helps people differentiate between desirable and undesirable behaviour and can make it easier for people to go away and model the desired behaviour and to actively avoid the undesired.

  3. Visual is good
    Considering people respond strongly to visual stimulus have you thought about using something more visual within you induction?

    For example companies spend a lot of money on corporate branding, but what does it mean? How does that demonstrate the values of the company.

    Perhaps this is something that you can get the new members of the organsition to do. Show how the company logo depicts the companies values and vision. You never know, you might also get some good ideas that the company can use in furture marketing campaigns!

  4. Values/Vision at Induction
    If you have akarge group for induction you could ‘copy’ an exercise we used for a Broadband Company rebranding exercise a few years ago – If you remember Mike Read’s Runaround???

    We had values posted around the room then read out descriptors of behaviours and the group had to decided which Value it represented and assemble underneath it(not run!!HASAW:))..then had chance to change mind …for further details mail me at
    Definately a refreshing exercise to use after lunch and at beginning of day to raise energy levels!!!!

  5. Values and Vision strategy
    Experienced professionals, already have their own values and ethics and it is challenging to “instruct” them in a few sessions to adopt and change to a new organisations’ rules, ethics, code of conduct, performance standards, etc. As such, I disagree that firm values are apparent for new joiners. Training is still only part of the total equation of values and vision enablement, so do not feel too stressed if it doesn’t all happen in a morning.

    My focus has been “deductive lectures” with workshop approach. Specifically, I have 2 suggestions.

    Session for Values:

    1) Define Values. (pairs/small groups; who defines it? Who gives it to us? How do you know when it is respected? What do you do if it is not observed? etc.
    2) Open feedback. Elicit and accept definitions of rules, ethics, code, behaviour, identity, and beliefs as key concepts.
    3) Each group is a new organisation – a residents’ association, sports team, charity group, pop group, Parent Teachers group, etc, – any group that is distant from current organisation. 10 minutes brainstorm; what makes this group strong, why they would exist and what will keep them together.
    4) Next; their group is very successful and will grow. What new members are the “right” type of members. How will these members be? What will make them successful as new members? Do they have 10 commandments known and easy to transmit to members?
    5) Open feedback.
    6) Present the company Values and stories in lecture style, with handouts and Q+A.

    Circa 3-4 hrs. I have done these in various European countries in large groups The response has been good to excellent and is knowledge driven as well as attitudinal and behaviour focused.

    The last day of programme has a “certification” session to cap off the week and check full understanding.

    Format for final sessions, emphasis on Vision.

    Groups of 3. Preparation time: A little every day….

    “It is 2010 and you give the end of year report division, SBU or Country. How has our current vision been realised?”.

    7-mins with at least 5 topics from:

    •Financial Results.
    •Marketing Activities and new products.
    •Cross-cultural initiatives.
    •New HR policies.
    •New investments (industry types, examples of projects)
    •How the values have been ‘lived’.
    •Other events reported in the news.