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Induction Updates


Hi everyone, can anybody share how they keep their induction material up to date. The business I support is changing constantly from the products it offers to the system clicks required to achieve something. We currently struggle to 'get hold of' any changes and even when we are told do not have a robust system in place to track if the material has been updated. Therefore quite often we are delivering material in induction that is out of date and irrelevant. Any ideas anybody?
Julie Grundy

2 Responses

  1. Keep induction up to date
    Hi Julie
    When I was T&D manager for a large private hospital, I made sure that all departmental heads were involved in delivering the ‘corporate’ induction. This meant it was their responsibility to keep each part up to date.

    One of the problems HR & training teams have with induction is that the ‘business’ does not own it.

    Get them involved and they will make sure you have relevant info


  2. Keeping Induction Material Up-To-Date

    In the past, the way that I have kept induction information up-to-date is to make sure I have been on the email circulation list for each change. The downside of this is that it can be time consuming as it means there is lots of communication to wade through to find out what is going to be relevant to your induction and what isn’t.

    I have found the other way round it is to appoint ‘champion’ for each area, someone who uses that piece of software/sells those products etc. everyday and will therefore always know exactly when changes take place, what they are and the impact that change is going to have. This person does not have to be a manager (in fact it often works better if they aren’t), just as long as they understand the product/service etc. Depending on how often you run the induction, it can be easier to schedule in some time to review the information with each ‘champion’, say a week or so before, to make any updates. (That way if there has been more than one change, you can pick them up all in one go, rather than piecemeal). Depending on the skills of the ‘champion’ you could even get them to do the updating themselves.

    I don’t know if that helps – but it works for me!