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Training Evaluation


I am currently writing my discertation on the evaluation of in-house training courses. I was wondering whether anyone had some guidance or best practice examples of how we can ensure that we use effective evaluation measures?
Simon Hall

4 Responses

  1. Evaluation
    This is a massive area – it is hard to know where to start.
    For a dissertation I would first of all do your literature search and read around the topic. Then you will be in a better place to ask some more specific questions and to conduct own reseach.
    There are many books but to reflect a broad spectrum of views I would include:
    Measuring the impact of T&D on the bottom line by a TrainingZone favourite Paul Kearns and co-author Tony Millar – some of the most sound advice on evaluation from a strategic and business oriented perspective.
    Using evaluation in T&D by Leslie Rae – a good practical view on method and approach.
    Evaluating training programs by Donald Kirkpatrick – a classic.
    How to measure training results by Jack Phillips and Ron Stone – new out; anything by Jack Phillips is worth a read.
    Performance based evaluation by Judith Hale – full of examples and a CD-RoM with sample materials.
    I hope this helps you get started.

  2. Dissertation
    Hi Simon,

    Just wondering whether if would be possible to have a copy of your dissertation, as I have just started working on a training evaluator’s project. Any help would be great!!