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Cultural awareness and diversity training


I am planning cultural awareness and diversity training workshops for NHS staff. Does anyone know of sources for suitable training activities or have experience of delivering this type of training and be willing to share training activities?
Eddie Newall

5 Responses

  1. Diversity
    We have just bought in a trainer who is excellent but I can see that you want an in house approach. Try first of all the websites of the EOC,DRC and CRE. You get free subscriptions,regular bulletins and signposts to other sites.

    Try also ACAS and the various Skills Council sites.

    The Dept of Health will have further signposts

    I cannot for copyright and ethical reasons give you the stuff our external trainer is using but I am confident that the sources above will meet your basic needs. I am sure they would not mind me telling you that they use demographic quizzes,protocols on issues like body language,touching,diet,dress,ete contact,symbols BEYOND the western or christian perspective as well as sensitive issues like bereavement. You will also need to consider both the employment and the customer perspective within existing statutes AND the Age Directive in 2006.

    But all the above should give you some structure and I am sure other good folk on this site will respond to you.


  2. xcultural awareness and diversity
    I have used the trompenaars/hampden-turner model (which comes from Hofstede) originally which gives a good mapping of international and intranational differences in basic asssumptions. has a brief description of the model they use.

    It’s very important, I find, to start with the participants’ own experience (When have you tripped up over a diversity or cross-cultural issue? When have your basic assumptions been challenged? How did you first learn from experience about diversity?)

    If people just go to a “taught” workshop, they may learn about it all but it doesnt really affect their day-to-day practice or ways of thinking. Because of this, it’s really important to have some really clear desired outcomes about the difference that the workshops will make (from the point of view of impact on patients/users/colleagues)

    I’d be happy to share some ideas by phone or email, and could maybe give you more contacts
    01243 371290

  3. help
    Hello Eddie
    I can help you to get some resources together. I have run similar courses and managed to research and locate some free resources. Email me and I’ll let you know the ctcs

  4. local?
    Hi Eddie,

    Your e-mail address suggests to me that you’re from Canterbury – if so I’m based over in Ramsgate and have a lot of resources that you can have a look at – 01843 5584264.

    All the best,


  5. Cross-cultural competence training with NHS staff
    We run courses for NHS staff in cross-cultural competence and would be happy to share what has worked well in our experience. We have found empathy exercises as well as different types of drama exercises to be very helpful. My number is 07977 163655 if you would like to chat more.