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Seb Anthony

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We are having a big corporate drive on our Values over the next couple of years to really try and embedd them in our organisation.

Has anyone got experience and examples of how this has been successfully completed in their own or other organisations.



Simon Bancroft

3 Responses

  1. Get early adopters, get them linked to objectives & get the mana
    Simon, it depends how far down the line you already are.

    If the values have yet to be defined, then grab the opportunity and get as many people involved as early as possible. That way you will have a number of advocates (hopefully) and early adopters (probably).

    If the values have already been defined by the Great and The Good, and handed down to you, then the job is different. If Tom Peters was here, he’d probably say “What gets measured, gets done” ie link values to people’s objectives.

    So at objective setting time you get people to describe what they are going to do (the objective) and how they are going to do it (the value).

    Please do not fall into the trap of simply having the values laminated and placed on walls as a reminder (or similar). You need the full marketing mix to get your message out there – and so speak to your Marketing Department to get their input and expertise.

    Most importantly, senior and middle management must be seen to be engaged and actively demonstrating the values.

    Good luck!

  2. Living Corporate Values
    Hi Simon, out of all the clients I’ve worked with, The Tussauds Group put their values at the heart of what they do more than any other. Steve Marriot was Head of Learning and Development for Alton Towers was incredibly successful and groups brand values to life there. He now works with us at Kaizen Training and I’m sure he’d be happy to have a chat about what made him so successful. Contact him at

  3. Values
    It’s worth asking your learning providers and coaches to demonstrate how their events help managers to understand and live the values. In a previous role we asked all suppliers to underpin learning not just with our core values but also diversity and environmental awarenss so they did not need to become stand alone events.

    Good luck. Alec