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Advice on managment simulations (Computer-based) needed


I am considering putting a business simulation into a management development programme I am running, as a way for the participants to apply the stuff that they have (hopefully!!) been learning.

Ideally I would like it to be simple to set up, run on cycles of ca 30-45 minutes (so that I can get something meaningful in half a day) and not need too much effort on my part to understand and support.

Any help at all would be welcome as I don't know where to start.
Geoff Roberts

3 Responses

  1. Business Simulations
    This duplicates the answer to another question. Try – the site describes a wide range of computer (PC based) simulations for business training. Besides describing the simulations you can download participant documentation and for several, evaluation copies. Also it provides advice and ideas on their use.

  2. one suggestion
    Hi, I have used various games/exercises from NorthGate Training ( they have been really successful on my management training programmes. Good luck.

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