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Modern Apprenticeship/NVQ employee reward


I am just about to launch the NVQ/Modern Apprenticeship qualification in my business. I have 7 candidates who we are holding a lunch for when they commence the programme.

What incentives could I include at the start to make them enthusiastic about the course? and what would be a suitable reward at the end when they are finished? We don't just want to give them cash!
Jacquie MacIver

2 Responses

  1. Rewarding Success

    You don’t mention the sectors within which your business operates so I don’t know the length of the MA programme, but based on my experiences I would suggest the following:


    This is a primary incentive but consider staged pay increases linked to successful completion of the individual elements e.g. Key Skills, NVQ & Technical Certificate

    Future Job

    It is important to link the programme to a role they will be undertaking on completion, rather than just be trained.

    Continuing Development

    Demonstrate what development will happen after the MA finishes. Many apprentices move on after completing as there is no plans to develop them thereafter.

    Internal Awards Ceremony

    One major employer I dealt with held an annual event to present certificates for all development undertaken, including MAs. The MD presents the certificates and everyone gets photographed.

    Hope this info is of help


  2. NVQ rewards
    Our program in Canada is voluntary and is not based on any pay reward as we have an unionized workforce and pay is determined by the collective agreement. However, for the candidates whom have been in the program we have done the following:

    Identified them in our internal newsletters (throughout their progress), framed and matted their certificate which was presented to them at our annual recognition event, each was given a photograph of them with their certificate, copy of the photo posted in the employee entrance of the facility, gave them T-shirts obtained from the awarding body (with the awarding body logo), photo of the group in the international version of the company magazine, copy of the photo in the awarding body’s magazine (based on room of course).

    Our intent for recognition is to not only recognize the current candidates but to promote the program to get others involved.