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Telesales workshop


The staff have to cold call new customers and introduce their products and services and either convince them to receive a brochure, buy a product or recieve a visit from a sales rep. They have a sales process, which I will introduce on the training, hwever would rally appreciate some ideas for this workshop and/or some examples of exercises/sessions that I can include.


Ceri-anne Travers

5 Responses

  1. Ideas for Telesales WOrkshop
    The key issue is attitude here. Most people new to telesales face a great deal of rejection . Any training should highlight the key areas where rejection occurs and then show how to overcome this problem.
    We have recently completed training 220 people in this area, esulting in an inclrease in business of 38% and are happy to share information of you contact us via our website

  2. Outbound Sales Training
    Have a look at the following links – hope you find something of use from these.

    If you wish to discuss any ideas further, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Cold Calling – Outbound Sales:

    Making Appointments – Gaining Commitment from Prospects:

    Check Your Selling Skills – Telephone Sales:

    Alternatively – scroll down to the foot of the following page and review the other articles and training materials on Tele Sales:

    Good Luck


  3. Thanks
    George – great links thank you.

    Clive, I don’t know how to contact you as your e-mail address does not appear with your post.


  4. communication model
    I could send you a communication model powerpoint. If you want it just get back to me.

  5. I think i can help you.
    We have previuosly developed a telephone workshop for both reactive and proactive sales people. If you’d like to contact me, i’d be happy to discuss the contents and session plan.

    Darren Ford