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Listening Skills Quiz


I already have a few, e.g. 'how many animals did moses take on the arc'? I'm looking for about 10 in total. Do you have any I could add?
Helen Senior

4 Responses

  1. Try these
    Hi Helen
    I have got a sheet of questions that I use in training sessions. I will email them to you – hope they are useful

  2. Listening Exercise
    Hi Helen

    I have a listening skills exercise called “None So Deaf”. It’s a role play where the delegates form a committee to plan a Xmas function and then have to answer questions on what was actually said. If you’re interested, let me have your e-mail address.



  3. Listening Skills Exercises

    Can you email me your work address so I can send you what I have? I only have them on hard copy at the moment but would be happy to post them to you.

    My email addy is

    Good luck…
    Kate 🙂

  4. Listening Oscars
    I use an exercise callled the Listening Oscars, where group draw on their expereince to list the criteria for awarding a person the worst Listener in the world Oscar.