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Seb Anthony

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Hi all, The company that I work for has organised for a trade fair day where all the departments have a stall to help increase awareness of what everyone does. The training team that I work on has loads of idea's of what we could do but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of what we could do?
Stuart Farmer

3 Responses

  1. Trade Fair Stall
    How about a short multiple choice quiz on what T&D does. You could also have a tie-break question: what else should it do? (in case of a draw). Then give a prize to the winner.
    It might also give you some data on areas where your service is misperceived and on what else you might offer.

  2. Get people involved
    Hi Stuart

    I’ve done something similar for Learning @ Work Day and Corporate Induction, and have found that interactive material works well. Here are some ideas:

    Mini quizzes – Campaign for learning is a good starting point for resources.
    A 10 minute taster session for staff to attend – perhaps based on courses you run at the moment.
    Top 10 tips leaflets – themes could be ‘top ten ways our team could help you’, ‘top ten ways to improve your time management’ or ‘top 10 ways to motivate your staff’
    Open surgeries work well too -people could book 10 mins with a member of your team to discuss how to develop themselves, or their team.

    Hope these help, and have a great day!

    Kirsten Holder

  3. Training stall – selling our services
    Rather than thinking about a stall – which is great for a silo type function what about something different – by all means have the stall and also dress up your team in shirts or jackets that clearly state “trainer” or “coach” depending on the language and service you offer and ‘wander around’ helping others to make the most of their stall or help staff get the most from the stalls of others. As a part of the process they will introduce themselves using the 30 second elevator pitch approach – this way it is L&D in action!

    In other words walk your talk!
