I am looking for exercises to run as part of a bullying & harassment workshop. Can anyone provide any examples please.
Many thanks.
Sandra Beale
Sandra Beale
Many thanks.
Sandra Beale
Sandra Beale
I am looking for exercises to run as part of a bullying & harassment workshop. Can anyone provide any examples please.
Many thanks.
Sandra Beale
Sandra Beale
Many thanks.
Sandra Beale
Sandra Beale
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Unlocking courage
3 Responses
It depends on what exactly you are trying to achieve together with the time available. I deliver some exercises. If interested email me and then we can have a chat.
some ideas
Good questions to explore:
how do we decide what behaviour is inappropriate?
Why do people react differently to the same behaviour? (eg. some see it as banter, others bullying
Why do people engage in B&H?
It may also be useful to cover assertiveness and then give people situations (or ask them to write their own) and get them to come up with a response – including exactly what they would say & how.
We also use the Skill boosters DVD, they have an excellent one called Challenging Behaviour which covers bullying & harassment
Some hopefully useful resources
I have delivered training in the voluntary sector on these types of subjects. If you would like copies of my handouts and some exercises, email me and I’ll send them to you…
Regards, Steph