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Ideas for graduate assessment exercises


Hi, I'm looking for fresh ideas to replace our assessment exercises that we use on our graduate assessment day.

The first is the ice breaker used at the start of the day for introductions - Currently graduates and assessors pick a shoe and explain why it is like them

The second is a range review activity - Graduates are asked to select individually a range from a selection of shoes, they then need to agree the range together. Currently this exercise isn't creating enough discussion or conflict in order to assess competencies

If you have any ideas about what could be done differently they would be gratefully received. We are a shoe retailer!


Craig Ramsay

3 Responses

  1. graduate assessment centre exercises
    Craig, forgive me for asking the obvious but what are you trying to measure? What competencies?

    I have 10’s of assessment exercises but will need to know the areas you are looking to investigate.

    From my experience the most you should be looking to assess per esercise is 6 factors.

    If shoes are your thing then the type of exercise could be used but its about identifying the specifics that you are looking to measure, alternativly just some minor changes may make the activities work for you.

    With the exercise you have mentioned I can see that creativity will be in conflict with sales ability.

    When designing any exercise it is important to align the outputs first then identify the activity.

    Give me a call

  2. Ideas For Graduate Exercises
    Hi Craig, one of our five principles of Brain Friendly Learning is ‘Keep It Real’, it may be a great way to review your assessment day.

    What can you design into the day to have the participants demonstrating the competencies AND doing some of the activities they maybe undertaking should they be successful?

    There’s more on the five principles on the Kaizen Training website.

    Warmest regards,
