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Training KPI’s



I need to report on KPI's for training and need some assistance.

Currently I report on:
Training hours per month
Number of heads trained
% hours delivery per trainer

but need to report on more, does anyone have any advice?

Lisa Young

3 Responses

  1. Ideas?
    Hi Lisa

    How about

    Average test score %

    Areas of excellence (Trainers perspective)

    Areas of concern (Trainers perspective)

    Feedback form comments,

    Improvements and/or declines in performance since training(sales, efficiency etc.)

    Hope this helps to get the mind working


  2. ask others…
    Hi Lisa,

    My response is in 2 strands:

    1 – description of a different reporting philosophy;
    2 – suggestions on what to report on.

    On the first aspect – you are currently reporting KPIs that do not allow you to make decisions about the training that enables you to really contribute. What do any of these measures say about the story that is your training function? How does training hours per month add value to the organisation – or demonstrate the value of the training function? Ditto with heads trained and % hrs delivery per trainer. In fact these are all mines waiting for someone (you!) to step on and get professionally injured by them!

    a) ask your clients what they are measured on – then report on the extent to which you’ve contributed positively to these measures.

    b) ask whoever is asking for the reports

    c) ask your clients what is really important to measure in their operation – what tells the story of their operation and enables managers to take decisions that lead to success.

    The liklihood is that a combination of (a), (b) and (c) will evolve – and no, (a) and (c) are not necessarily the same thing!!

    I have an article that explains some of the practical tools that be used to develop answers to the 3 questions (a-c) above. Email me for a copy at

    Best wishes,


  3. KPIs
    There are a whole host of measures that you could use but I would be inclined to prioritise them around the critical performance requirements of the business. The types of performance tend to fall into the following categories: quantity, quality, cost, speed, value for money, innovation, customer service and ‘bottom line’ (or ultimate business benefit).
    These measures tend to fall in to 3 or 4 categories. Input measures are less vital from the business point of view but can be helpful from the Training Manager perspective. These include things like activity measures (no. of trainer days, no. of student days, no. of hits on the e-learning site, no. of people coached, etc.). There are also effeciency measures (eg cost per student day, room utilisation rates, speed of service, no. of training designs that pass QA first time, etc.). There are output measures (pass rates, no. of staff legal competent to a required standard, etc.). Perhaps most crucial are the outcome measures. These range from simple Performance Indicators (such as number of people applying their learning in the workplace) through to the more valuable, and harder to measure, Level 4 evaluation measures (such as level of improved customer service as a result of new customer service training; impact on business performance, etc.) This may involve techniques like cost benefit analysis or balanced scorecard rather than simple data collection tools.
    It all depends on how sophisticated you want to get.
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