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Training sulliers


I am about to put together a new training programme for our national office and I am looking for a host of new training providers. As I work in the Arts I feel we need to provide a more innovative and creative approach to our training methods, but at the same time I do not want to patronise a very intellectual staff base. Is there a conference or seminar I could attend to investigate new suppliers. What is the best way to assess the provider other than siting in on a training session?
Samantha McKenzie

5 Responses

  1. Training Suppliers

    We always ask to sit in as an observer.Some trainers say yes.Others won’t.I can let you have a list of those who are positive which probably tells you half the story already!



  2. Finding Innovative suppliers
    This is a very difficult one as what is innovative to one person is not innovative to another. Some time ago I was involved in working with “creative London” a group of creative and media companies that networked for competitave advantage. I was asked to facilitate some business planning sessions in a creative way – unfortunatly what I thought was creative they just thought was too wacky – in the end I did a routine business planning session and they were happy.

    I once ran a CPD session for the central london branch annual conference of the CIPD and got participants to paint a picture using only their bare feet! Big goal for many.

    Most trainers are willing to be creative – VERY creative but often do not as they feel they must meet the expectations of a client. If you sat down with a provider (indpendent not a franchise or large company) and set a spec I am sure you will be pleasantly suprised.

    If you ant to contact me off line (mike @ I will be happy to give you some names of some people with a varying degree of ‘creative flair’.

    Alternativly what about contacting one of the arts based companies that deliver corporate training – I know that the likes of MaynardLeigh associates (, do some very creative training.


  3. Take advantage of open days
    Hi Samantha

    I regularly had to source suppliers when I worked for the NHS, and found the open days and free events offered by suppliers invaluable. It gave me a chance to experience sessions as a delegate, at no cost and no obligation.

    I know that companies such as Broadwater Training and Cragrats (both use a creative, experiential approach) offer free sessions, I’d be happy to forward their details to you.

    In addition, I’ve always found events such as World of Learning at the NEC in Birmingham (taking place in November this year) a useful place to see suppliers in action. You can access many of the sessions and the whole exhibition free of charge, so it’s a great place to meet suppliers, network and experience different learning approaches, at no cost.

    If you’d like further details, please let me know.

    Best wishes,

  4. Training suppliers
    Hi Kirsten,

    Thank you for your comments. I would appreciate any contact details you might have for me.

    Kind regards