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Learning Log/Personal development plan


We are multi-sited distributor of office supplies with approx 1000 employees which range from warehouse operatives, supervisors, managers, the usual Head Office functions as well as senior managers and board level directors.
The Learning and Development department have recently been doing a lot of work on changing the mindset of people (doesn't come easy I know), and trying to get them to realise that development doesn't only come about by attending a 'classroom' delivered course, whether it be internal or external.
We are wanting to launch the concept of people keeping a learning log, with emphasis on the informal learning that happens daily.
We believe keeping a log of learning will help employees in preparation for their annual appraisal as well internal promotions/transfers.
How do we launch it ? and once launched how do we administer it, do we want copies of people's learning logs?
Please note that all employees don't have access to a PC.
We have really hit a brick wall on this one, so any help would be appreciated.

Lisa Arrowsmith

3 Responses

  1. logs

    In my experience, people will only keep a learning log if they want to keep a learning log. Change starts from the inside out not the other way around. Do you know exactly why mindset needs to be changed? How do the staff feel about this? What will you really do with each log bearing in mind there will be a 1000 to go through? On this limited information, my advice would be to begin with, go to the staff and work with them to create a solution that everyone finds agreeable and will contribute to, as it will probably take much more than top down communication to make this work. And clearly define your objectives, Know why you want to do the things you want to do with a clear business case backing it up. Happy to talk more, you can get me on

    Best wishes

    Rich Lucas

  2. mandatory CPD log?
    Hi Lisa,
    A number of points here:
    is the idea for the log to be desired or mandatory? What are the costs/ rewards for keeping or not keeping one?

    You say that “We believe keeping a log of learning..” the key hers is gaining this as a common belief.

    rather than launching a process like this have a read of “Unleashing the idea virus” by Seth Godwin – while this is a marketing book – that is exactly what you need to do. I am not going to repeat the principles from the book here other than to say that the book focuses on word of mouth communication of success rather than the traditional ‘public launch’ of an idea or concept.

    I have been involved in introducing CPD/ learning log systems & approaches for 17+ years (50-5000+ employees) and in that time I have yet to find a common system, method or approach that everyone buys into – if you can get 25% you are doing very well.

    One of the problems of learning logs is the assumption that the individual likes reflective learning – as you know this is not reality! Using a honey & mumford lsq’s you can target the reflectors first – gain some ground and then slowly start integrating it. The fact that most of the professional bodies have dropped attempts for members to keep a diary shows that as a strategy it is not a universal success.

    You may find it useful looking at the experiences of Andrew Gibbons he is a master and a very credible individual within the learning log world – he has kept a personal log for many years.

    Are ALL of the senior manager on board with this? are they doing this? are they prepared to allow individuals time from work for this activity?

    remember 20% will do this from day one 20% never will & it is the 60% you need to work on


  3. Valuation of prior learning (VPL) in companies
    Hello Liz

    I’ve read the comments by the two people who have responded to you so far, and they seem to have a narrow concept of – and to some extent a disheartening previous experience of – learning logs within large workforces.

    However, I think you’re on the right lines. I don’t work for a company; I work in the Voluntary Sector, as a development officer for the charitable organisation founded in 1905 by the University of Edinburgh (the “Edinburgh University Settlement”). In this capacity, I’m working on a European Commission Leonardo Thematic Actions project led from the Netherlands called “Managing European Diversity in Lifelong Learning”.

    This project aims to map and look for synergies in current European practices involving the valuation of prior non-formal and informal learning, as a way of giving people a means to make visible to employers and others what they can already do. When a learning log can fill this function, then it is far more attractive to the person who builds the log, as the person can choose the evidence of the prior learning from his or her own life.

    Here is the website for the project: . It is still under construction (and I have not supplied the UK part of it yet – any suggestions for me?)

    With best wishes
    Bonnie Dudley Edwards