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Change Management


Hi Guys

Have any of you got any ideas or exercises for a half day session on change management.

I need to cover what initiates change, what effects does it have and coping strategies to accept change etc...

Any ideas or models most appreciated.

Many thanks

Ginny Haynes

4 Responses

  1. More info please?
    Hi Ginny

    Some more info would help.

    1 – Who are the audience?
    2 – What is their role in any change?
    3 – What is the nature of the change – is it something specific, e.g. new CEO introducing changes, is it in response to changing market conditions, or is it change in general?
    4 – Why and how are you involved?
    5 – What outcomes in terms of key performance indicators, behaviours & attitudes etc is the client looking for?
    6 – What, if any models and frameworks on change are you working with, and is it possible to consider others?

    I find it interesting that ‘change management’ is the title so-oft used for interventions like this – there is an implication that change can be controlled and thus the desired outcome achieved, and failure to do this must then be laid at the feet of the Change Manager (there is usually some poor person assigned this role!). I tend to take the view that if people are thinking in terms of change management, they’ve probably already failed!

    I look forward to getting more info!


  2. What do they want to change?
    There are two ways of looking at change. There is the old fashioned view that views change as a single traumatic event for which we need the whole gamut of counseling and coaching to allow the affected people to cope with it.

    This is a very dated view. If this is the view that you are expected to present then I have to agree with Martins last line.

    If however you are interested in creating a climate of dynamic change then your half day session should concentrate on what you want to happen to create the right environment and what the group can do personally to create that environment.

    I have submitted a short article to this forum entitled “How Change has changed”,
    This might suggest a way forward for you.

    I would be happy to help to with the content if you see value in this route.

  3. Change – link please?
    Hi Peter – I enjoyed your comment – have done a quick search for your article & can’t seem to find it – could you either post a link to it or perhaps email me a copy at

    Many thanks.

  4. How change has changed.
    Their seems to have been a hiccough somewhere along the line.
    I cannot find the article either.

    It is quite short so I will post it in this forum.
