Normally we run a full two – day workshop covering all aspects of the process and interviewing. However I have been asked to run a half day shortened version. I have explained that there is a limited amount that you can cover in that time so I thought that a pre-course questionnaire may be a way forward. Can anyone help please?
Neil Thomas
3 Responses
I often have to do this. I have not used a questionnaire but have used another method which can take up to about 3.5 hours
Session One – Put the delegates in pairs. Brainstorm the question -why are we going on this course? What will it achieve? Why is it so important to get recruitment and selection right?
You can if you prefer split the questions between the different pairs.In the plenary feedback and with trainer input,you should emerge with the internal organisational reasons and external arguments couched around economic,historical,legal,moral and demographic arguments
Session Two – The 39 steps! or at least 13
In workshops ask delegates to answer the question -what are the 13 steps.Illustrate your answer to any of the steps with paperwork. In the plenary take feedback and then unveil your pre-prepared flipchart,vz;
1.Designing or reviewing person spec and jd
3.Despatch of all info to candidates-Application Form,Equality Monitoring form,Corporate info etc etc
4. Shortlisting
5.Arrangements for interview-two week before
5. Day of interview
6.Conduct of interview
7.Space for candidates
8.Decision system
10.Offer of employment
11.Feedback to unsuccessful candidates
12.Medical issues
13.Day One induction linked to data from interview
You should have a brief input against each of these with the preface “and these are the issues we will be looking at around this item on the course” AND critically “What would YOU expect we will cover on the course about this item?”
You will find this last point very helpful since organisational or personal issues you may have overlooked will emerge giving you time to tweak the course.
Good luck
YOur query
I agreed with william. But you have specified the required education you need the candidate should have in them. If recruitment is to be done on random specification basis then you may need to first do job analysis. Whether actually recruitement process is required!! For example. If it is a prod and mfg. company then you can easily evaluate all these things. Rather you need to look into those specifications which are necessarily required by the candidates. Screen those candiates resumes and first make an arrangements to call them first(only if they are localites) or even you wish, you can make international calls. Then analyse their knowledge on phone.. and then found good call them for interview. Analyse them face to face and then go ahead with offer letter.
Web Based Appraisal
It’s a difficult one. You know in your heart that a proper appraisal takes longer and yet there isn’t the backing to do it as you wish. One solution could be to prioritise the face to face and undertake the prelim & investigation side with web based assessment tools.
I know AMA Consulting Ltd are into that sort of thing.
im not sure what’s on their website
Probably best to Email their expert