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How to make learning facts fun?


I'm looking for creative ways for delegates to remember information in the form of facts and statiscal information. Unfortunately my creative juices don't seem to be flowing at the moment! HELP!!!!!!!
Gwen Turpin

5 Responses

  1. Fun!


    Many of my courses are fact based,eg caselaw authorities or specific clauses and or provision in legislation.I find that a quiz in the Tarrant format (minus coughs( can be quite effective or the old treasure hunt for knowledge works well

  2. Quiz time
    factual information can be made into quizzes n puzzles. I have used Trivial Pursuits, $64 Million Questions, Snakes n Ladders, Blockbusters, etc. Divide people into teams to get a sense of competition going – the prizes only need to be chocolates etc but the fun n sense of beating the others is good. You can send the facts/info out as prework or if not around a training session, then run the quizzes between departments in the lunchhours or something.

    Learning facts can also be helped by producing them on (flash) cards.

    Hope these ideas help. If you would like any further help please drop me a line for more ideas

  3. Would a look up be better?
    I’m not sure who the delegates are, but is it really necessary for them to learn statistics by memory?

    If there’s really a mass of information, maybe you just need explain the overall point and then to make the details easily retrievable.

  4. Map it!
    Hi Gwen,

    Get them to build a group Mind Map® of all the information; then find ways to make the data “image-ic”. You’ll find background in Tony Buzan’s books, or feel free to contact me directly.

    As another contributor wrote, why have tham learn the stats? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have them memorise the meanings and where/how to find the up-to-date information???????


  5. Games are great
    I, like Margaret, have used games very successfully to enable participants to learn facts and statistics. It adds interest and competition to what can othewise be seen as a chore. I have also got participants to have a go at actually designing the games, which I have found is a useful way of getting them to look at context and meaning as well as just the facts as pieces of data. However, this approach is dependent upon your programme structure and is not always practicable.