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Training event follow up


Dear All,
I'm looking of a successful strategy to be used after a training event that involves the manager and the employee in a one on one follow up meeting to discuss about what has been learned and how they are going to apply what learned after the class back at work.

Could anyone give me some ideas/tools that you can use to monitor the success of the training once the employees leave the training class?

Thanks for your help,

Adriana Ferguson

2 Responses

  1. On-going
    Hi Adriana

    Before I say anything, I’d say that it can be difficult to get people to buy in to this, they may start strong but then tail off, so this is something you may need to consider managing.

    I wrote up some evaluation logs some time back based on kirkparticks 4 levels (a sheet for each level) One of which allows space for observations and is specifically designed for the training participant to complete with their line manager.

    I’ve offered them here before. If you would like them, drop me a mail at and I’ll forward them on to you

    Best wishes


  2. Suggestion
    I have no experience of doing this, other than we have a standard question on our trainee evaluation forms: what do you intend to do differently following this training? It occurs to me that this issue could form part of an evaluation of training meeting between the trainee and the trainee’s line manager, which could impact on the trainee’s personal development plan and be reviewed at the trainee’s annual appraisal. Also, post-training interviews and/or questionnaires can be used to monitor the impact of training.