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Customer Service Statistics


Hi All
I am designing a Customer Care workshop for a stationery/school equipment supplies company. The course will involve telephone techniques. I am looking for statistics for a 'I bet you didn't know that ......' type of exercise. For example: I bet you didn't know that .... Xerox established that delighted customers are 3 times more likely to return to them than customers who are merely satisfied.

Suggestions gratefully received and I am very happy to collate responses and offer out to the forum at a later date.
Happy Days!
bryan edwards

6 Responses

  1. Customer service stats
    Hi Bryan

    There’s the old standard about happy customers telling one or two people about their experience and unhappy customers telling 9 or 10.

    I’d love a copy of this when you’ve collated it.

    Have a great weekend


  2. Customer Service Stats
    One that might be useful to include is that 80% of complaints received by an organisation are likely to have poor communication as their root cause, either with the customer or within the organisation itself. Apparently this stat holds true for all sorts of businesses, public service, hospitals etc. I’ve no idea where I got this from though!

    I would love a copy once you’ve collated it.


  3. Statistics for why customers quit
    This is a notice that was found in the staffroom of a motorway service area, author unknown.


    1% die
    3% move away
    5% develop other friendships
    9% find the service or product cheaper elsewhere
    14% are dissatisfied with the product
    68% are dissatisfied with the attitude of indifference shown towards them by an employee

  4. Customer Service Issues
    Good quote -Sainsburys I think

    The customer IS NOT ALWAYS right but there is no profit in proving her wrong!

    Would love copy too



  5. Summary of responses
    A couple of weeks ago I posed a question on customer care facts/statistics. Mny thanks for the responses. I can summarise the responses as follows:

    1. It costs 5 times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an established one.

    (Lee Resource Inc)

    2. Xerox the photocopier company measured it’ customer satisfaction regularly. They felt very pleased that 90% of their customers said they were satisfied with the service they were receiving. Yet Xerox‘s market share was dropping. They discovered that it was not enough to merely satisfy customers, delighted customers were 6 times more likely to stay with them.


    3. If a customer is dissatisfied with the level of service from us, up to an average of 16 other people, on average, will find out about it.

    4. Why customers quit:

    1% die
    3% move away
    68% quit because of an attitude of indifference towards the customer by the staff.
    14 % are dissatisfied with the product.
    9% leave because of competitive reasons.
    (How to win customers and keep them for life (2000) – Michael Leboeuf)

    5. 70% of complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint in their favour.

    6. 95% of complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint instantly.

    7. For every customer who bothers to complain, 26 other customers remain silent.

    8. It takes 12 positive service incidents to make up for 1 negative incident.

    9. 91% of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again (Lee Resource Inc)

    Happy Days!