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Matching training program with competency


I am going to do a half day training for new managers as they will soon participate in the competency assessment for their staff. I am looking for approaches and exercises so as to give them a framework/guideline on how to suggest training program(s) against the competency requested.
Selina Chan

One Response

  1. Running before you walk
    I think you may be trying to over simplify here, if you have identified through the use of competency based assessment some specific but widely generic needs you can fit your training offering to those needs but otherwise many individual needs will need to be considered in isolation and it wouldn’t be practical to come up with a fixed solution for each need in advance.

    However in a year’s time the data gained from the initial assessment could then be used to inform the training planning process and some form of matrix could be developed but there will still be individual cases that will need looking at seperately from the matrix.

    Hope that helps.
