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Who’s hiring training professionals?


I have been working as an internal training officer in london for 1 1/2 years. I am responsible for induction training and also work along side my manager in delivering and developing sales and customer service training. I have a background in education and am interested in how different people learn and develop.
I would like to move into a large company who values training so I can develop my skills and acheive my goal to become a training manager.
If any one has any advice as to which companies would be worth contacting I'd really appreciate it. I keep hearing that companies are now realising the importance of good training but am finding it hard to believe as no one is advertsing for these positions. Where have all jobs gone?!

Thanks in advance!


samantha welsby

2 Responses

  1. Have you tried on-line recruitment sites?
    There are a number of webites which carry training positions These include:

    Total Jobs
    Personnel Today
    HR Staff

    There are also recruitment companies for HR staff. In my experience as a candidate and as a training manager looking for staff, I have found recruitment companies difficult to deal with unless they specialise in trainers. Most don’t tend to consider that fact that people need to develop into their jobs roles. Nor will they necessarily consider the value of cross industry experience.

    Ideally register with a specialist training recruitment company – Training Synergy for example. And contact the companies that you feel you’d like to work with to see if they have any vacancies.

    Also don’t forget the press – Personnel Today, Human Resources Magazine and People Management all carry quality training jobs.

  2. are you qualified yet?
    One thought is that getting a qualification (initially a CIPD Certificate in Training -CTP) – must surely be an essential prequisite these days. So explore the routes if you don’t have this yet. Join a flexible learning college like Malpas or Manchester Open Learning and get to know your student colleagues. This will help you build two things for your future 1) evidence of commitment and 2) a network of like-minded people. Often this leads to an opportunity down the road.
    Contact me if you want any further guidance.