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corporate TNA


I am a Training adviser in an engineering organisation spanning 8 different sites. How do I do a pan organisation TNA?

My own view upto now is to take each strand of the organisation in turn eg operations, commercial, HR, sales etc and do a TNA in each functional area and then plug the results back into the corporate training plan - plus be mindful of mandatory stuff like H&S, equal ops etc.

I could do one for each site, but I feel that would be messy - but I'm open to any suggestions!!!

Many thanks for your help

andy phillimore

5 Responses

  1. merits
    The only benefits of doing the TNA site specific is if they each have their own organisational plans and targets ie are run as mini business units.

    I use an inter-relational spreadsheet which can then feed into the database for this area in our consultancy.

    The only time we enter the field of training is to ensure the managers of our clients are fully compliant with employment and health and safety legislation. But even with that scale it is worth using EXCEL and Access to assist. It really saves time later and produces graphs and other data for reports much quicker.

    Start with the end result in mind and work backwards it is easier and ensures logistic simplicity.

    Good luck

    Lime One Ltd
    0870 240 4325

  2. Competency Framework
    I think one of the key factors you have to deal with when undertaking an ITN at corporate level is the quantity of data that you have to analyse and make sense of. Simply undertaking an individual Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) and then attempting to conglomerate the outputs of this exercise is a sure way to achieve a nervous breakdown. The disparate nature of individual needs means that often a common or general corporate/organisational need is difficult identify.

    One potential way forward to is develop a competence framework. This is essentially a range of skills/behaviours which are deemed important or essential to the host organisations continuing success. Using this predetermined set of competences then allows you to assess individuals against a ‘standard’ and then recognise where individuals, teams and the organisation might have a shortfall.

    The issue here is of course identifying the correct competencies at the beginning of this process and then having a reliable system to assess against them.

  3. TNA
    Hi Andy

    My background is in the oil refining industry, one business eight asset areas each asset area having most disciplines. The way I approached this was to start at base, i.e. what do all employees need regardless of role or area – 1st thing was general induction. Then, what do all Manufacturing Technicians require – regardless of area – this was our generic techs induction. Next, what does a Man Tech working in x asset area need and so on. You end up with generic ‘site’ needs, which are then enhanced by ‘local’ needs, eventually leading to Personal Development needs from Performance Review.

    More than happy to chat if you want more info – examples


  4. TNA vs. TBA
    I did a lot of TNA before and feel messy likes you, and I found that’s not full fill company needs. What we do now is TBA (Trainee Background Analysis). The purpose of TBA is to find out what the skill, knowledge etc., that trainee already have, and arrange pre-study course base on TBA, thus you will not waste (TNA vs. TBA).

  5. Start with business success criteria
    Hi Andy

    Some very valuable comments already, but would just add that while competency frameworks and role approaches may all be necessary, the starting point is best when it begins with ‘What are our business success criteria?’

    Answered firstly at corporate level, this will enable you to focus on key organisational necessities which may need to permeate through all teams or just some, but which should be pre-requisites for your training plan. This will include Corporate Induction and mandatory elements, but also elements related to the forward Corporate Plan, eg Leadership Development, training for new IT system, etc.

    Add to this the requirements for achieving business success criteria for each of your teams. (Immaterial whether teams are site based or matrix style.) All teams should develop their own training wish list and submit a prioritised bid for funding. Directorate/Team Leaders should define these needs, dependent on their Directorate/Team business plans. This should involve competency frameworks (eg requirements for engineers, finance, sales, etc) and also issues related to interdependent team working/cross-functional related to achieving wider business goals.

    Most organisations I have worked with then prioritise these requests. Funds for Priority A areas are allocated first(ie mandatory/regulatory issues). Priority B areas will also be important, related to key business success issues linked to the immediate forward business plan). Priority C areas are longer term issues such as building competency that may not necessarily be related to current business issues but nonetheless important for organisation development over the longer term.

    Prioritisation and bidding for part of the budget certainly focuses the minds of Department Heads!

    (ps Don’t forget to leave a contingency margin.)
    Hope this helps.