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Mission, Vision and Values Statement


I have been tasked to deliver a short training session to mangers to look at our updated Mission, Vision and Values statements. I would like to make it as interactive as possible and engage everyone rather then just do a presentation.
Any ideas would be really appreciated.
Ian Boseley

2 Responses

  1. please define

    you state:-
    “I have been tasked to deliver a short training session to mangers to look at our updated Mission, Vision and Values statements.”

    Are the statements already written?
    .. or are you looking to update them as an output from the session?

    I suspect that the answer to the first question is “yes” in which case the second is moot.

    If this is the case perhaps a way is to use a version of the 7 S and get the managers to look at what they need to do about Skills, Structure, Systems, Strategy, Staff and Style in order to achieve/support the Shared Values, Mission and Vision

    I’ve found this really helps because the usual response to a management “declared” mission/vision/values is
    “OK but we don’t have the staff/skills, the structure or systems don’t support that” or similar

    If your slot is too short to actually “do” this you could introduce it as a concept in the session and get them to do it with their teams (thus assisting in the cascade as well) or you could send it out in advance and use the session time for sharing/planning

    I hope this helps

  2. Post-its are brilliant!
    This activity is very easy to use and facilitate and gets the full involvement (and buy-in!) of everyone instantly. I have also used it successfully with all levels in an organisation.

    Provide all individuals with 5 post-it notes. Ask them to reflect on 5 values that they live their lives by. They then write down one on each post-it note.
    Facilitate a sorting exercise where similar values are grouped together (separate pieces of flip-chart paper or coloured card are great for this – delegates stick their note where they think it “fits”).
    At this stage you should aim to “fit” everyone’s individual values into 5-10 main groups, and allocate each an appropriate heading e.g “honesty”. There are always a few that don’t fit … I find it useful to put these onto an “other” sheet to deal with separately. The group then split into sub-groups to discuss all notes on their sheet and compose one comprehensive statement that encompasses all values e.g. “We will be honest and open in all our dealings”. These can then be looked at from a strategic point of view to ensure no key areas have been overlooked.
    The end result is a set of company values that encompass individual values thereby ensuring instant commitment by all!
    This could also be adapted when presenting the mission and vision statements.
    Depending on your time slot, you may want to send focus groups away to present their statements at a later date.
    This activity has also worked successfully during a roll-out to staff of predetermined values: each value was printed on a separate poster and was revealed later on. Individuals were then invited to stick their value note on the poster with the best match (exceptions can be dealt with in the same way as above, however I very rarely get them). Again, all employees feel that their personal values are accommodated and aligned with the company values, thereby ensuring instant support and commitment.
    Sharing the company mission flows naturally after that as all the key values feed in to it.