I am involved with a project for ITI Techmedia, researching Games Based Learning focusing on Corporate HR and where it could go in the future. If you could spare some time to talk about this with me then read on…
ITI Techmedia is currently conducting a Research and Development programme focusing on Games-Based Learning. The programme is intended to create technology that will allow companies to capitalise on the potential growth in TPLD’s market of interest. The focus of the first phase of this project is capturing the requirements and feasibility of developing a Games-Based Learning Platform. The envisaged application creation and authoring platform will greatly simplify the process of creating learning modules.
For more information follow this link
I have been asked to look into the applications that people from the Corporate HR space feel would be of use in the future, I’d like to get 3 or 4 people from your organisation together for 1 to 2 hours to gather some thoughts and do some brainstorming (I’d start with a briefing about GBL to ensure everyone is on the same wavelength). My deadline for this is not too far away so I’d like to do this fairly soon if it’s possible.
From your perspective this is an opportunity to get involved in the birth of a new learning paradigm. Also it would be a great way for you and a few of your colleagues to find out about the ins and outs of Games Based Learning.
Let me know what you think, or give me a call if you have any questions,
Either email me Laz@tpld.ltd.uk call me on 01382 836830 or leave a message here
Best Regards
Laz Allen, working with ITI Techmedia
NB: during the workshop I would not be selling at all, simply asking for ideas
Laz Allen
One Response
talk about Team Talk?
GBL is a very interesting area and one I have some experience of having been part of small team that designed and marketed the boardgame TeamTalk ®.
I can’t make the time to visit Scotland but would be happy to talk on the ‘phone if you think it would help.
01993 813721