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Strategic Planning for Training


I am seeking information on the process whereby managers apply for training monies for the forthcoming financial year in advance, thereby demonstrating a strategi approach to training rather than the ad hoc methods which prevail at present. We DO have a business plan, set objectives and Key Performance Indicators to measure that performance, however the strategic approach to training has been difficult to implement within the company.
Janice Carter

4 Responses

  1. Business strategy; people needs; how the needs can be met
    Any training budget should relate to the following key stage process:

    1. Consider the business strategy and plan and derive the organisational / departmental needs in terms of people.
    2. Do a gap analysis comparing those needs against the current people capabilities – called baselining.
    3. Establish how the gap can be reduced by training & development and/or organisational ‘reshaping’ (i.e. make redundant those who cannot fit the new shape for whatever reason and recruiting new people who can).
    4. Establish the optimum (in terms of time, quality, cost) approach for implementing the training and development such as in house development – coaching, mentoring etc;using internal training department; using external trainers.
    5. Cost the approaches you feel are most suitable (always give budget holders at least two options!).
    6. Prepare the budgets that support the options.
    7. Prepare the proposal that contains the budgets – remembering you’ll need to ‘sell’ your options to the budget holder/decision makers. So include a benefits case.
    8. Present the proposal with your recommended approach rather than just send the proposal to the decision maker(s), bearing in mind they will ask you all sorts of questions and expect you to have the answers.

    Happy to help some more if you wish to contact me.

  2. Standards and Training in Corrections
    The Board of Corrections in California, United States has such a program in place, however the funds for this program will no longer be available after June 30, 2003.

    The process that has been used is to determine what training is needed and who needs it. How we have done that is assess training needs, listing the Standards and Training in Corrections (STC) eligible employees. WE then decided how much Core training vs. annual training would be needed. Core training is the classes our staff attend when they are first hired into our department (within the first year) and the annual training is the amount of class hours our staff attend to be in compliance with the Board of Corrections, State of Calif.

  3. Budgeting for Training
    Barry Faith has provided a comprehensive overview. I have always submitted what we call budget estimates to get funding for training. I identify the training needs and then determine which needs I can meet given the access I have to training providers (mainly external). Next I get my client managers to determine their priorities for the topics identified. I calculate as accurately as possible what each course will cost including airfares, accommodation etc if applicable and put it all into a Regional Training Plan. I submit it to my masters who decide how much money they will allocate. Once funding is received I determine which programs I can run – by priority – and then run them until the funding runs out.

  4. Robin Henry’s response
    I think Robin Henry’s response is very practical and recognises the realities of training budgets. Even if the need is there, often a key constraint is the amount of money available to buy in the training. Also, as Robin points out – it’s important to ensure the travel and accommodation costs are budgeted for – or you’ll have an budget OSINTOT! What type of business are you in Robin?