Does anybody know what would be a realistic expectation in terms of response to a survey questionnaire sent to former employees (to include a draw for a £25 M&S voucher as bribe!)
Kathie Summers
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Does anybody know what would be a realistic expectation in terms of response to a survey questionnaire sent to former employees (to include a draw for a £25 M&S voucher as bribe!)
Kathie Summers
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2 Responses
Low, probably
Marketing research people usually give 1 to 2% as a typical response to a mail survey, 10 to 15% for a phone survey (or an initial phone call, followed up in the post, if the person says yes), and up to 35% for a well-designed online survey, though I’m sure that wouldn’t be appropriate in this case.
Given that these are former employees, some of whom will have left for negative reasons, you could probably halve those figures.
£25 isn’t very much, really, esp. if there is little chance of winning, though I agree it would help.
More incentive needed
In my experience 4 % is about right.
I have done better when the incentive was increased to a holiday for two abroad. Cost £500.