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training course timing


I'm considering running a public training course for potential coaches but am unsure when would be the best time of year to run it. I'm considering January next year or October next year. The format I'm looking at is to deliver it at weekends, with six weekends over six months.

Does anyone have any views or advice? Any of your thoughts would be much, much appreciated!
Karen C Drury

3 Responses

  1. why weekends?
    Why are you considering weekends? Aren’t people claiming to be overworked already without working weekends too? Sorry, that sounds agressive!
    Coaching tends to come into peoples minds when they are approaching appraisals which isn’t necessarily the right time for it…how about going for a concentrated hit at the “quieter” times of the year fo the clients; early december or august?

  2. Why not ask?
    Why not ask some potential participants when they would prefer it. If people are doing the course privately at their own expense, then weekends may be OK, but if their employers are sending them they would probably prefer it during the working week.

  3. You might want to consider the following..
    We run open courses for voluntary organisations and we find that it helps if you avoid running courses during holiday periods, particularly school hols. We also find that it maximises the opportunities for participants to attend courses if you organise them to commence between 9.30am and 4.30pm, due to childcare, travel arrangements etc.