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Management Style Model / Assessment


Belbin - for team roles, MBT1 for personality guidance, LSQ for learning styles - What can be used as management and leadership style indicator in managers and then used on a workshop for management skills training?
Which is the most used management style model?
Shona McFarlane

6 Responses

  1. Management Styles
    Hi Shona

    This seems to be a popular topic on this site. My own favourite is the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum model. I have a questionnaire to assess management styles if you are interested.



  2. Leadership
    I have been experiencing an interesting model – The Situational Leadership model – which has a clear definition of progress through a range of 4 leadership styles placed against the needs of the person(s) being lead.

    I would also point out the use of the word ‘management’ – I’m with covey on the use of this label – we manage things and lead people. Thus the use of the term ‘manager’ when referring to someone who is ‘managing an team’ will tend to objectivise those in the team – removing individuality and reducing creativeness, and communication.

    If you want to know more about this model then contact Rob Bernstein at Shared Vision – 01789 450 299 (mention my name). Good luck with it.


  3. Leadership style assessment
    Hi Shona,
    An American called Daniel Goleman, who wrote the book Emotional Intelligence, has also done a lot of work on leadership styles which has been widely published by Harvard Business. His research identifies six key leadership styles and the effect that these have on organistaional climate. I’ve got a workbook (and associated workshop if appropriate) that helps people to assess their skill in each style. Happy for you to get in touch if you’re interested. Angela

  4. Styles and Tools
    There is one called DiSC that I have found to be useful and I highly recommend. I’d also recommend a program with a detailed reporting follow-up called Insights. There is also a “Parker Team Player” instrument (no relation) if you want to get into that area.

  5. My favourite has to be the Leadership Practices Inventory!
    Hi Shona – I suspect that there are as many different answers to this question as their are trainers in this world! However, for what its worth, I use the Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory regularly with all levels of managers. It is a 360 degree questionnaire, which is either computer or hand evaluated into a comprehensive report (wouldn’t recommend the latter unless you have nothing better to do – the computer is so much quicker and easier!). The evaluation is based around five really practical categories which I have found map well across both the managment and leadership skills spectrum (and I think does reasonable justice to which ever side of the fence people sit in relation to the definitions). It comes with a workbook which contains suggestions for development activities in each area as well as sufficient information to help you do a thorough analysis. I find the development acitivies can be rather American and certainly here in New Zealand I need to some ‘translating’ into activities which are more culturally acceptable – but in essence they are fine. Workbook will also help you structure a workshop if you want to go that way. If you need more info on how I use it – or some of my ideas for ‘translating’ activities let me know. I really like the way I can use this model at all levels of manager, in groups or as individuals, and the fact that it is based around five areas which act as a simple mantra to guide managers. I have also had a lot of success using it in conjunction with leadership competency profiles already set within organisations as it is flexible enough to be able to easily identify cross referencing links. We can get it here in New Zealand (with a little jiggary pokery) so I suspect it is widely available in Europe.

  6. If you are looking for detail and accuracy of a leaders characte
    Working in Development I have used a range if different tools for improving leadership understanding in the individual. I have come to the conclusion that profiling using INSIGHTS reporting is the most effective.
    Should you wish to find out more I am happy to talk to you.


    Neil McCracken
    Motiva Corporate Development