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Tidying up


I was struck with the above thought the other day. I had an appointment after a training session that I had to get to. The training ran to time, but I realised I would have difficulty tidying up the room - removing flipcharts, sorting hand outs, replacing chairs, etc - and still make the appointment on time. I decided to wait until all the participants had left before I started to clear the room.

Is it acceptable to clear up before the partticipants have left? I have never done so as I feel it may be perceived as rude - even if the attendees are completing evaluations, or tidying their papers themselves. What do people here think?
Andrew Jacobs

7 Responses

  1. After
    I generaly clean up after the clients have left (for the same reasons as you), but like to keep a general level of tidyness all the way through the programme.

    Of course blood stains should be cleaned up immediately as they are difficult to remove if left too long.

  2. Explain why
    If I had another appointment I would explain to the trainees why I had started clearing away but say that they shouldn’t feel rushed completing their happy sheets, asking questions, or whatever. To clear away prematurely without an explanation could be perceived as bad manners by some trainees and I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable about behaving like that. It shows lack of respect. Don’t show it then you don’t get it.

  3. Tidy up
    As with the previous 2 responses I prefer to tidy up after the delegates have left.

    I have found that although the event has finished you do get stragglers with some questions. If you start to tidy up before hand they may feel that you are rushing to get away and dont want to be asked any questions.

  4. Tit for Tat
    If you are concerned (rightly, I think) about possivbly seeming rude if you start clearing up before everyone has left, what might your delegates feel if you DID start clearing up whilst they were still there?

    Mightn’t they have the reciprocal concern that they were being a nuisance and holding you up when you obviously wanted to get away?

    Surely the best solution would have been to reschedule your appointment – but then again, perhaps that wasn’t possible?

  5. Maid Service?
    I am assuming here that the training rooms in question are owned by the trainers or their companies? If that is the case then leave tidying until all delegates have left to encourage the questions etc. If the training rooms are not owned and the trainer effectively is a guest then removal of their own stuff fine but only as above.

    Replacing chairs stopped for us once I saw a poor cleaner come in after me spending 15 minutes replaing the chairs under the desks to put them all up on the desks to clean the floor. I do not tidy the premises of any of our clients as that can be seen as rude too and seems to cause more embarrasment.

    Training By Design Global Ltd
    0870 241 3998

  6. Communication
    Agreeing with Eddie and Garry – if you HAVE to tidy up, explain why, do it quietly and neatly and if there are serious bloodstains, ask at reception if someone could handle these….


  7. Thanks all
    I DID make the appointment – just. The rooms are owned by the organisation I work for and are used 80%+ of the time. Out of respect for the trainees, I leave the tidying until they have left and keep the room as tidy as I can while training.

    I also try to replace the chairs, tables, etc in the way I found them for the next trainer.