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Communication style


Can anyone recommend a useful and practical questionnaire or inventory that helps individuals understand their communication style better? It needs to be practical and not e- learning. I'd like my course participants to get a better understanding of the impact their communication style can have on others.
Lucy Tallis

3 Responses

  1. Useful questionnaires
    Hi Lucy,
    I often use Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles questionnaire as a Communication Style tool. Also useful is Social Styles – email me on or call me on (0118) 987 5683 and I will be happy to provide you with relevant information.

  2. Thinking Styles as an aid to communication skills
    Hi Lucy,

    I recommend Thinking Styles by Consulting Tools (

    I have had excellent results by using it as the basis for helping people to develop their communication skills in a wide range of situations. It helps to pinpoint exactly what needs to change in helpful ways, provides specific suggestions and is generally pretty low-jargon in style.

  3. Comms and Myers Briggs
    in addition to the two responses already generated I can’t help thinking that the Myers Briggs Type indicator is a really useful tool to help folk understand their preferences, prefereences naturally influence communications style.
    For a short input or workshop Step 1 would be more than enough and if you really want to expand it then Step 2 would take you there

    I use MBTI and the Information gathering continuum S-N and the decison Making continuum T-F as a framework for creating presentations as if you talk to each preference you just have to cover everyone in the audience.

    As an addition the Human Synergistics “Lifestyles LSI (with feedback version LS2)would also be a very solid tool to explore communications through as it gives insight into whether one is Pushing or Assertive in Style or Pulling or Responsive.