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day rates


I am in need trainers for basic courses but am unsure of day rates that would be expected could some one advise my on an average day rate ?
janette kirk

6 Responses

  1. day rates
    Without more specific details on the nature of the courses, whether the trainer is expected to include in their day rate all materials etc, it is almost impossible to say.

    Freelance trainers who attend simply to deliver prepared materials, have no responsibilities post the day of delivery at level 2/3 ‘simple courses ie in communication, basic IT etc are generally in the region of £250-£450 plus VAT plus Travel/overnight accomodation.

    In this price range you can expect a freelancer with a track record on delivery and competency at this level.

    The price rises with academic qualifications, senior level experience and evaluation. ROI and other after delivery services.

    Bespoke delivery, accreditation and refinements to match the training to the organisational need ( by way of consultancy) will increase day price but also return on investment. A properly designed course to tackle a real need can improve organisational performance way beyond the day’s delivery.

    I hope this helps, if you are committed to the daily trainer for soft skills I can recommend a couple of trainers we have used for this purpose but would ask that you think carefully about the rationalle behind training in this manner as it can only improve business performance by chance not design.

    Susan McGaughran
    Training By Design Global Ltd

  2. Daily rates for Training
    Susan’s comments very much reflect the industry norms…I place a lot of freelance trainers with clients, and most will cost in line with what Susan suggests (SAP trainers being a big exception). Janette, do feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss this further….

  3. day rate for courses
    We charge around £300,if say it is MS Applications training and local. If not we charge travelling expenses. Hope that helps
    Good Luck and Regards

  4. Using a broker or direct
    If you engage freelance trainers or small training companies directly, you will pay a lower rate (quite possibly for the same person) than if you go through a training broker or ‘big name’. Judging by these comments, the markup is around 30% (or more)

  5. Day rates
    Hi Janette

    I work in the Northamptonshire area where the rates tend to be the following: MS Apps intro £150, Intermediate £170 Advanced £185; Soft skills usually starts around £250. Obviously these rate exclude travel. The rates I get in London tend to be around 20% more. I would also add that there is always flexibility in rates. Hope that helps.


  6. Calculating day rates from the bottom up.
    Another way of looking at the day rate question is to consider the annual time plan.
    How many days do you apply to:
    1 Administration (VAT returns etc)?
    2. How much time must you budget to marketing (researching markets, website etc)?
    3. How much time to maintaining/updating skills?
    4. How Much time do you spend on developing materials?
    5. How much unpaid time is spent with customers (direct, customer advice, course planning)?
    6. How much personal time (holidays, with family, sick)?
    Then when can subtract this from the total number of work days to arrive at the number of billable days (assuming your marketing worked out). Then take a view of the amount you need (and wish) to earn in total. Add to this your fixed costs (office cost, hardware, tax). Dividing this by the billable days gives a daily rate.