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FISH Philosophy Experience?


We are looking for hints and tips on how to ensure the FISH philosophy training programme actually works.How did you use it and find evidence that it improved customer service? How do you keep the enthusiasm going?Any hints or tips welcome and would appreciate a face to face if appropriate.
jane buckels

5 Responses

  1. customer case study
    We are in the process of writing up a case study of one of our customers who use the Fish! philosophy in their organisation. Email me your contact details, and i will send you the case study once its completed.

    Kim Wigfield
    Video Arts

  2. award/recognition
    Hello, one of the departments that we have done this training with took our idea of having a stuffed fish as an award. Employees would nominate someone on how they made their day, made it fun, chose thier attitude or showed being there. And each month a new person is picked for the “Pete the Perch” award and it gets passed on.

    I thaught it was a great idea and kept the ideas going at work.

  3. Fish
    I have had the fish experience twice and both times came away with the feeling that there was something missing.
    The characters in the video when asked how they had done it could not say, and the four rules only place the onus for performance on the individual.
    They do not acknowledge any input from the environment that you are working in.
    No matter how good a day you are having, if your boss tears a strip off you he will affect your ability to perform.
    Fish does not acknowledge that he has any effect on your performance, but we know that he has.
    On both occasions when I experienced Fish it was necessary for the trainer to work very hard to generate enthusiasm because the delegates percieved the lack of substance.
    Fortunately there is now an alternative to Fish.

  4. Fish!

    I put together a workshop using Fish! when the company was going through a great period of change.

    Some departements worked well with this and implemented great ideas e.g. a rota system that meant the staff had fexible hours and the clients could contact the company a further 10 hours per week – great! We had a lot of fun with fish being kidnapped and ransom notes sent- my own was given teeth and a moustache and the name Don Codlioni, the Codfather!
    I also have photos of Pete the Perch on the beach, by the pool, in a bar and driving a car.

    Some departments, however, did not produce anything worthwhile. I believe the managers had pre-empted the whole thing as “rubbish” and therefore did not encourage anyone to come up with ideas or follow the process through

    If you would like some more info then please email me at or

  5. Alternative for FISH!

    Thank you for your reflections on FISH! As I tend to agree with your comments I am interested to hear what would according to you be a good alternative for FISH!?