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Ideas for ‘away day’


I've been tasked with organising a no/lo-budget event for a newly formed HR function. Not everyone will know eachother, and many will have been involved in a redundancy programme.

Objectives are to be defined but they'll be along the lines of encouraging cross-working, enabling people to get to meet/know eachother, to think strategically/input into the future and as a 'boost'.

I'm fine with some of the content but would welcome any ideas for making the day as creative as possible, from arrival to the end!

Sarah Edwards

2 Responses

  1. Pleased to help…
    Hi Sarah

    No/Lo-budget team building? Now there’s a challenge! 🙂
    I have been involved in a few team days of this ilk and have used a few creative ideas.

    Would be happy to discuss them with you – get in touch with me at and we can take it from there… would be happy to help out with some creative suggestions.

    Kindest Regards,

  2. Away day
    We have just recently done something similar and it was designed for team building, particularly to work with people you don’t normally work with.

    The location was a maze where the members had specific functions within a 4 person team. There were lots of scenarios the team had to face (such as 1 person being blindfolded, one had to read the map, one had to carry an egg, and one had to take photographs). The roles changed as you got into different sections of the maze (outdoors). This is in Canada but I am sure there has to be something similar in the UK. This works fine with a large group (I would think a minimum of 12 is best). If you are interested in more info. just e-mail me.