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Assertive Communications Ice Breaker


Does anyone have an ice breaker for a 1 hour class about Assertive Communications?

5 Responses

  1. No
    Ask them to shake hands an ask for something based on revealing some personal information, e.g. “I have two kids would you drop them off at football practice later?” The receiver always says “No.”

  2. Share something they are good at
    Hi Kerry Jo

    How about getting them to introduce themselves to the group and add two or three things they are good at or proud of (you’ll probably have to stipulate that this has to be about THEM, not their kids, family, business etc). When I model this I usually say something serious and something a bit more humorous, such as:

    I’m good at communicating with all sorts of different people and I make the best roast potatoes in the history of the world.

    Naturally, you’ll be listening for things like “I think I’m good at …..” and “I try to …….” and get them to say it more assertively.

    I usually end this by asking people how challenging they found it. And would they have found it easier if I had asked them to come up with things they weren’t good at – and why should that be?

    Happy to discuss further – contact details on my profile.


  3. Assertiveness
    Most exercises on assertiveness should somehow show the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour. These are either done through roleplay or direct interactions. For examples have a look at assertiveness training exercises.

    Hope this helps.

    Ehsan Honary

  4. Some simple role plays
    Bearing mind the time you have got to train this in, I might suggest some quick role plays (find them on our web site – scroll down to ‘Skill Practices – Simple Assertive Roleplays’). These 3 short roleplays are fun as well as ways of getting assertve messages across. The de-brief afterwards can reveal some useful tactics delegates use to say no meaningfully but respectfully.
    Hope that helps
    Happy Days!

  5. ice breaker

    Hi Mr James,

    I would like to ask you why you think the ice breaker effective? Thank you for advance.

    Yours, Olga.

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