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Training providers – assertiveness / influencing – any suggestions


Hi I have an individual that has a specific development need around assertiveness / influencing and I wondered if anyone can recommend a good provider that runs open workshops. The need is mainly around confidence and assertiveness particulalry with regard to dealing with males. They are a highly capable individual who feels the need to be 100% confident with information before being able to challenge others. However in her current role she can not be expected to know everything and this affects her interaction , particularly in meetings and often finds herself leaving the meeting have not achieved her original outcome. After some exploring it transpires that this happens most often with men and is not a 'staus 'issue. Probably the other area is that she will sometimes meet the needs of other ( suppliers ) at the expense of the business, as she is more sensitive to the needs of the individual. I am looking for a workshops that not only shares theory but that will put her in an experiential situation Ideally a coaching programme would be the best option however this is not an option. Any suggestions ?

7 Responses

  1. have you considered remote coaching?
    Sorry not to answer your question but I have had experience of individuals in similar situations benefitting from a non directive coaching programme that is delivered in bite-sized chunks at the client’s convenience via email or telephone, this provides a one to one solution where time and budgetry constraints might otherwise prevent such a solution.

    I hope this is of some use as a suggestion
    Rus (for when comfort eating is the only answer)

  2. Question …
    Tanya, I’m curious as to why coaching is the best option but wouldn’t be possible here. Can you explain why not or what the barriers are to choosing this route?

  3. Coaching seems best
    I agree with Rus that 1-1 coaching may bring about the best results in the shortest amount of time. It will allow development to be targeted, whereas a course will be more general, and there will be less pressure (I use the term loosely) for this person to put their learning into practice.

    I’m not sure where you are based, but if you really are set on attendance at a course, Instep UK ( offer good one-day open workshops. They are handy for the North West and the Midlands.

    Good luck!

    Sheridan Webb

  4. Influencing and Assertiveness Skills

    We have a range of free resources and information on this subject.Just visit our website and request details

    Obviously we could provide this training but if you require a female trainer, get in touch with:-

    Impact Training in Didsbury

    or Jennifer Topping – Training Skills –



    QED Training

  5. Open Course at Silicon Beach Training
    Hi Tanya,

    We run an open Assertiveness & Confidence Building Training Course here at our training centre in Brighton which sounds like it delivers exactly what you are looking for.

    The course is run with small groups (max 8) and we create a safe environment where delegates can share their experiences. The course provides useful advice and practical tips, as well as an opportunity for attendees to explore these in practical experiential sessions.

    The training is designed to help attendees to understand why people behave the way they do, to recognise their own behavioral styles and to challenge their beleifs about themselves and they way they communicate with others.

    We get really positive feedback from this course and we’re often contacted months after the event by people who’ve been able to put what they’ve learned in to practice with excellent results (sometimes from a personal perspective as well as in terms of their perfomance at work!)

    If you’d like further details feel free to call me on 01273 622272 or to e-mail me at I’d be happy to provide you with some testimonials.

    Colin Welch
    Training Manager
    Silicon Beach Training

  6. Use Assertiveness Course

    Assertiveness is a skill that you learn by interaction. Although coaching can be beneficial to raise awareness, the best apparoch is always an indirect one where the person systematically goes through a number of exercises, or sees how others deal with a similar situation and can take steps to do the same. A course on assertiveness involving others is perhaps the best approach. This way the individual can participate with other people and learn how to be assertive.

    You can see a sample of assertiveness training resources for ideas.

    I hope this helps.

    Ehsan Honary

  7. assertiveness

    Hi Tanya

    You have not said whether this is what your individual really wants, or what you think is the best option. A one or two day training course, unfortunately, will not have a miraculous long term effect unless you build in follow-up  support in the work place. 

    I would suspect the biggest challenge for you will be weeding out the ‘effective’ programmes from the hype.  Would this person be better off in an a ‘women’s’ assertiveness programme initially, where she might feel more comfortable discussing  ‘gender’ issues?

    I recommend to my clients, when they select programmes,  that they do some research on the trainer… can of course google them by name – programmes that don’t tell you anything about the trainers are probably not worth considering. Apart from these folk here, have a look at ‘hemsley fraser’ – they’ve got some excellent trainers and offer programmes in various venues.

    It might be worth considering other programmes that incorporate assertiveness as a module such as: ‘negotiation skills’ or  an ‘influencing skills’ programme.

    Hope it works out well for your person.

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