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Training Delivery via Virtual Classroom – What charges for Third Party Trainers?


We are currently using Adobe Connect to deliver Virtual Classroom training across 14 countries in Europe and we are in the process of training our exisiting third party trainers in the skills to be able to deliver via this method. Does anyone currently do this and if so, how did you determine their payment structure please? Most of the VC's delivered are a maximum of 90 minutes, but there is pre and post work either side. I am currently working on a Guide for Virtual Classroom Delivery for our training partners to cover licence policy, standards and expectations so it would be great to hear from anyone who has already worked through a policy like this.

Thank you


4 Responses

  1. Virtual Delivery Rates and Online/Offline Learner Support

    In a previous role, I faced a similar scenario:

    Independent facilitators who were used to be engaged for days at a time for face-to-face delivery, being asked to use Webex (later Adobe Connect Pro) to an audience across Europe, the Middle East, North America and Asia, with additional activities supporting the learners both before and after each of the webinars (and classroom sessions that were still a part of the blend).

    At the same time, I was asked to pull together and update the standard T&Cs. In summary:

    Delivery rates for virtual sessions and all other offline/online support activities were 75% of normal (face-to-face) rates.

    The amount of time to be spent (on average) providing the additional support per person was also stipulated, but also with specific actions/tasks listed to ensure a consistent level of service.

    At first, the reaction was more concern about how they would plan their calendars, having been used to blocking out entire days for travel and classroom delivery. But when they factored in the amount of time required to provide the pre- and post-support, it soon emerged that (a) they would often end up doing more work and the learners were getting much more one-to-one support that before and (b) they could still schedule all of this activity in “blocks” if they so wished.

    Initial reservations about the reduction in fees were to be expected, but this was mostly a reaction to an initial perception that there would be less work/less income. But travel time could be translated into additional capacity for other work and over time, most got used to adopting a more flexible working pattern.


  2. That’s really helpful – thank you!

    Thanks Tim, really useful response. Can I ask you another?! Within your T & C’s did you stipulate training delivery standards? I have a concern that these virtual sessions could easily turn into a presentation online and not the interactive learning sessions we have worked hard to create. We already have an online evaluation tool so we can establish a response level from the participants that is required as a minimum, but I’m looking for other ideas?

    Thank you,


  3. Sesssion Storyboards
    Hi Kate!

    Yes, we scoped out each session with a script/storyboard, which clearly stipulated what would happen at every point in each online class to ensure the required level of participation and delegate engagement and to minimise the amount of “content” that was “given” by the facilitator.

    In fact, we worked very closely with the facilitator pool for each programme to jointly design the online sessions.

    This meant that whichever facilitator led the session, each participant cohort would receive a similar experience.

    We actually co-hosted the sessions too, with myself as “producer”, assisting with the technology aspects and also providing the “voice of the provider”.


  4. Good advice

    Hi Tim,

    Sounds like you have some great best practices to learn from there. Thank you for sharing.


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