I'm currently developing a new Equality & Diversity course for my organisation.
At the moment, I'm working on the 'Gender' strand and, although I'm happy with most of the content, I would like to include a further exercise which, whilst highlighting general gender differences, has an element of fun attached. The learner group would generally be frontline staff in social care settings.
I feel sure there will be plenty of comical trainer exercises for this subject out there but, before I go looking, I thought I try the 'trainingzone' first. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
4 Responses
gender exercise
Hello Charlie,
I have been doing research on this for a long time and one exercise you might try is to give them a situation and have them reverse roles so they can experience the other gender in that situation. They have to role play the other gender.
If you want to correspond about any of this I am an exec coach and consulting psychologist and looking at gender behaviors based on the science of the brain.
Diane Malnekoff, Ph.D., A.C.C
San Francisco, California
Daily Routine Exercise
There are so many different activities you can utalize.
1) My favorite is to have trainees write down their daily routine. All participants breakdown the day into a schedule of activities starting from the moment they wake-up until they go to bed. Then, put the participants into groups and delegate which ones should chose a women’s schedule and a man’s. They should write the schedule on a flip chart paper. Afterwards, you place them in view for others to see. You ask for observations. Then you can go into a discussion on "gender roles" or even gender stero-types.
To make it fun…you could ask them to come up with daily routines for Mickey and Mini Mouse. Gender roles and ideas of work for the different genders will come through.
2) On index cards, you could write a famous male-female pair or couple. You post the cards on the particpants backs. The objective is to determine who they are by asking "yes" or "no" questions to the other participants. After they know who their character, they need to find their pair gender partner.
When they meet you can have them talk about the gender difference of the characters.
These are just a few ideas…
Gender Excercise
Thanks both.
Really good ideas and will look to incorporate in some form.
This Might Help – Jane Menday CROA
Hi charlie
I’ve used the following for ‘diversity’ issues when working with volunteers and also with young people – it may help