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Presentation Skills Workshop


I am creating a Presentation Skills workshop during which Vocal and Visual Impact will be discussed.

I have included Volume, Pitch, Pace, Articulation and Energy as part of the Vocal Impact, however, I am currently debating which of the above mannerisms should fit into.

Any suggestions would be greatly received.

4 Responses

  1. More info please
    Hi Angela

    I’ve just run a series of very successful workshops on Presentation Skills in my company so I think I should be able to give you a little bit of help. However, I’m a litlle confused about exactly what is it that you require. Please could you clarify your query for me again?


  2. Mannerisms

    Erm…mmm… you know….

    How about creating another category as Mannerisms could show themselves in all of the areas you mention and can also be physical (therefore visual)? Self-awareness?


    Pilar Orti

  3. Rapport ….

    You should aim for rapport.  There are no Golden rules, other than that. Create empathy with your audience.  Be natural, relax and enjoy!  Keep smiling, and ensure you know what you are talking about.

    There are no short cuts or secrets here.  Learn from your mistakes, and be brutely honest with yourself.  Follow your ‘gut feelings’ and be prepared to adapt – for no two seminars are the same.  It comes with practice, and being able to read others and listen to your ‘inner’ self.

    Trust me ….



  4. Presentation Skills
    Hi Angela,

    You can include mannerisms as a part of Body Language.


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