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Dealing with Aggression



I have someone that is showing aggression to Junior members of staff but is fine to senior members of staff.  The person is causing an atmosphere within the office and people avouid talking to this person as they know they will receive a mouthful.

How can i run a session to deal with this?  Any ideas?



6 Responses

  1. Dealing with aggression


    I would introduce  the group to the theory "Transactional Analysis" created by Dr Eric Berne.

    I find that when people are taken through the theory and then are encouraged to identify the ego-states being used to manipulate the situation – the coin drops. People can really enjoy the session, and then after analysing the ego-state being used, select a more appropriate way of responding. Bullies too, will also identify their behaviour is being highlighted without necessarily pointing them out in an embarrassing way.

    I am a trainer that has to use these skills in real life, and have found the technique to work for me, when I work in very tense enforcement role situations.

    If you would like to discuss at all, 07974-444018, or

    Good luck to you.

  2. Aggresive Behaviour

    I might have misinterpreted your post, as it seems you’re proposing to run a group session to deal with the behavioural problem of one
    member of staff. Whilst I agree that TA is highly relevant, surely any discussion of the impact (or intent?) of this person’s behaviours
    should be discussed on 1 to 1 basis with the individual in question, not made the subject of a session where you hope they’ll pick up
    the hint.


  3. I think this is a discipline issue

    Hi Terry

    I agree with Julie that this would not, at face value, appear to be a training need. I would go as far as to say that the behaviour may be verging on bullying and should be dealt with through discipline procedures. The person’s manager could tackle this in a one-to-one, relatively formal converstation and warn him/her as to future conduct and the consequences of not changing his/her behaviour.

    All the best


    Jenny James



  4. Management Vs Training

    If I have understood the situation as described here I wonder if training is appropriate at all? If the individual in question is ‘fine’ when working with Senior Managers, then he clearly has the skills and knowledge of how to behave appropriately. However, it would appear that either he does not think this is necessary with junior staff or is unaware of their own approach and its results. Which ever of these two positions is true I don’t think training is necessary. What does seem appropriate is effective line management feedback, coupled with clear standards and objectives for the future in relation to interactions with junior staff. In addition to this I would follow this up with regular reviews and observations of his behaviour following this feedback.

    I have frequently encountered this scenario where management fail to discharge their responsibility and in order to avoid a difficult conversation or situation have chosen to subject the individual to training which will have no real affect. And when further incidents occur which they inevitably will they then blame the inadequacies of the training provided. It’s a brilliant avoidance strategy and a way of sidestepping the actions that they should actually be taking.
    My advice is decline to undertake the training and inform the manager to deal with this issue directly by appropriate feedback and support, training is not the answer.
  5. Response to’training’ question

    Hi Terry

    I’m with Garry and other contributors to the issue you mention.

    Perhaps you should consider facilitating a feedback session with the staff member concerned and give real examples of the sort of behaviour that they are using and causing the issues.

    The BOFF technique would be useful which if you are not familiar with is:

    B       BEHAVIOUR         Explain or describe what happened.
    O       OUTCOME            Describe what the result of this was, or is.
    F       FEELINGS             State how this made you and others feel. It may also be appropriate to establish how they feel about this. 
    F        FUTURE                Agree what action should be taken to move forward in this area.
    I hope my suggestion is of some use.





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