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CIPD Management Report on Apprenticeships



I've decided to do my CIPD Mgt Report on apprenticeships but dont know how or where to start - I've been out of the whole studying thing for 3 years (having 2 children) and the report layout the CIPD want seems to have changed quite a bit since then.  Any help on structuring the report would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

5 Responses

  1. Apprenticeships


    If you need any empirical data, let me know. We offer apprenticeships and work with the National Employer Service (NES) so have regular contact with other employers who are typically happy to share.


    Good Luck with the report!


  2. Apprenticeships

    Dear Anthony

    Many thanks for getting back to me. 

    I would very much like to see any data you have on apprenticeships, in particular, if you have any from employers in terms of how effective they think apprentiships are in theory/practice. Is this okay?

    my contact details are:

    Many thanks


  3. Apprenticeships

    Dear Dominic,

    Many thanks for getting back to me, the website you suggested was really informative and has given me some ideas to get going!!


  4. Apprenticeships -More Breaking News!

    Please find below an information link to the subject of academies, which gives some background and information about targets for achievement around the apprenticeships agenda

    The YPLA will be taking responsibility for this aspect of work, once it is operational on  the 1st April 2010, the target is to have 400 academies up and running by 2011, the link gives information about those currently in operation and where they are.

    Shortcut to:


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