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Innovative training presentation


Hi I am required to deliver a presentation for a job role I have applied for and I need help in terms of peoples knowledge, expertise and guidance on how I can structure my presentation and also where I can source relevant information.

The presentation must be 10 minutes and on the following subject:- 'innovative Ways of delivering training to demonstrate communication skills, presentations skills, understanding of Learning and Development Role and methodologies used to transfer knowledge.'

I would greatly appreciate all feedback.


6 Responses

  1. Presentation
    Hi Chemis

    The title of your session is already there so you have a 2 minute intro, + 2 minutes for each topic.

    Open with a punchy 1 liner such as “Today I will show you an amazing etc etc etc…

    Start each new topic with a question such as…” so how do we communicate”?

    Capture 2 or 3 important points from each topic on a flip chart as you deliver the session… summarise at the end and refer back to your punchy 1 liner

    1)Innovative Ways of delivering training

    to demonstrate

    a)communication skills

    b)presentations skills

    c)understanding of Learning and Development Role

    d)Methodologies used to transfer knowledge

    Good luck


    PS It’s also worth pointing out that Training and Presentations are two entirely different things! maybe that’s what you should focus on?

  2. Presentation

    As you’ve been asked to do this presentation as part of a recruitment process, I assume the assessors want to test your ability to source the information and to structure and deliver a presentation.

    If the ability to do this is an integral part of the role you’re applying for, are you really doing yourself or your potential employers any favours by asking others to do the work for you?

    As information on all the elements you’ve mentioned is freely available on the internet, why not have a search and see what you can find?


  3. Asking for help is research

    I fundamentally disagree with Julie’s point, Chemsis, as I believe that asking others for help is sound research.  Gathering ideas from people with different experiences and ideas is a rich vein of material, so I applaud your initiative in making the posting. 

    The way I read the requirement may be a little different than yours.  I wonder if the topic is just ”innovative Ways of delivering training", but that when you are presenting you are being assessed for your ability to demonstrate communication skills, presentations skills, understanding of Learning and Development Role and methodologies used to transfer knowledge?

    If I was doing this, I would probably start by making sure I was clear on the principles of adult learning (Malcolm Knowles) and then look at innovative ways of deliverng training in line with these principles.  This could include relatively new methods like the use of technology in webinars (might find interesting) and knowledge-sharing groups e.g. and making use of social media in training.

    Then it’s about planning and rehearsing your pitch.  I have a one page handout on making powerful presentations, which might help you with the structure.  Send me an email at if you think this would be useful. 

    Can you also find someone who will listen to your presentation and then test you with challenging questions?

    Hope this helps – and good luck.


  4. Too clever

    Hi Chemis

    I agree in part with Jane but be careful of being too clever.

    It’s much better to watch someone being confident in what they are doing and saying rather than quoting methodolgies and Educationalists they have only just discovered on Wikipedia etc

    The golden rule is… the observers will remember how they FELT about you rather than what you SAID so SMILE and go SLOWLY, keep it SIMPLE, exciting opening statement, easy to follow structure, capture a few important points and review at the end and you will be fine!

    Good luck


  5. very innovative…


    I had to do a presentation for a job interview recently and I used this – (About the challenges of setting up a new service)

    It really just uses big images with a few words – I supplied the voice over.

    I got the job – and was told it was the most original and informative presentation they’d seen.

    So – feel free to nick this idea – you will certainly look different – and be more memorable – than the other candidates.

    Good luck


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