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L&D Maintenance Strategies


Hi there

I am keen to see any training / learning and development maintenance strategies around updating learning solutions / programmes / handouts / learning tools / online assessment tools.

I would really apprecaite any ideas?



3 Responses

  1. here’s one idea….

    if you have a team;

    allocate one area of specialisation to each team member to act as the champion/centre of excellence/SME/person who got the short straw.  In their job description goes a responsibility to review and maintain the subject matter on a three monthly basis.  You stagger the reviews arounfd the team. Each month you hold a lunch & learn session where relevant team members present the latest in their areas of specialisation and outline the changes they have made to material, highlighting how this still fulfills the learning objectives set.

    If you don’t have a team;

    you set a rolling programme of reveiw of each subject on a month by month basis so that by the end of each year every subject will have been reviewed, you write this into your job description as a responsibility and ensure that you take the time to do it each month. 


    In either case you publicise the results to your customer group, highlighting how this still fulfills the learning objectives set, so that they can see that you are on the ball, can comment if appropriate and will have a constant awareness to remind then what a d**n fine service you are providing.


    I hope that helps



  2. Good idea!

    Hi Russ

    Sounds like a good approach…will definitely get my thinking cap on around this!


  3. Good Idea
    Completely agree with the above idea

    I would also suggest that each “champion” has to look outside the organisation to as a way of CPD to update their knowledge.

    This could be attending conferences, workshops, network groups, short courses etc

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