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Supporting Change within Organisations….


Hi All,

I am currently studying for my CiLDP (It replaced the CTP) and need to complete an asessment on Supporting Change within Organisations.

I would be interested in your views and opinions that will help me in providing a robust answer to some of the following sections:

Why do organisations actually need to change?

How does change impact on an organisations business?

What sort of behaviours do people demonstrate when going through change?

I thought it woud be interesting to get the HR / L&D profesionals views on this.

I really appreciate your input and opinions.

Kind Regards & Thanks


One Response

  1. Supporting Change within Organisations

    Hi Ryan

    This is a massive area – indeed there are masters degrees looking just at this material. I will give you some of my views on these questions:

    Why do organisations actually need to change? – because their customers, the technology and environment are changing – and lets be honest the market for arga black or coal buckets is much less than it was 100 years ago – it is all about business survival at some stage.

    How does change impact on an organisations business? – how long is a piece of string – it depends if the change is wanted in the org, by who and how this is communicated and managed. many changes are not noticed – generally only the badly managed ones are remembered!

    What sort of behaviours do people demonstrate when going through change? – again – I could list all of the human emotions here as they may all be applicable depending on the change, the impact on the individuals, what they thought of the "old way" – not all change is negative!


    I am sure others will add their views here – what are yours? you should perhaps put a stake in the ground first 😉


    Change Management Models

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