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Training funding


In my area of work, I am self employed as the contracts are variably for a self employed professional. the contracts that are available cover most of the globe. My turnover and cashflow p.a. is in the region of 100/125K p.a.

In order to take on the ocntracts I need further training within my own field, i.e., although I am a professional - I need a short course in order to get a certificate so as I can respond to the contracts and get working and earning.

I spend my time studying the material. I am really hot!!

I have even said to the agencies and companies that would normally hire me "take me on, fund me for the piddly amount of 15K then work me to death for the next x-amount of time - for free. No deal - they want you up and ready to respond at a moments notice, with ticket in hand. In every company I contact in my fabulous world network of. . . networking - the story is always the same - "come back when you have the ticket.

The training which takes about 3.25 months all told costs in the region of 15K. Therefore I am feverishly trying to raise the funding. I have tried Capital investors - offering payback of principal amount in a short period (which does not seem favourable for some reason) followed by 20% of my Gross turnover for the next five years. I consider this fair and generous. However, no takers. I have explored various funding websites and before long, one finds oneself deep in the `funding game` and moving further away from one`s own profession. In these days of post Credit Crunch climate, banks are not falling over themselves trying to make money, but moreover, hanging onto the money we have all paid in to keep them and all commercial society afloat. Eventually and in the not too distant future, there will be and indeed is, as we speak, sure signs of a recovery, albeit, none too dynamic. 

My problem is; If I were applying for funding  specific areas such as Ecology, Energy and others, I would have little or no problem obtaining funding. As my applications are for a predominantly `one man business` in the commercial sector then there is no joy. 

I have even put forward insuring the funding against failure which will therefore reduce or cut out the `risk` factor. but, since the Credit Crunch, even this bright idea have little impact on my presentation.

The difference between my obtaining the funding and going forth to contribute to my profession and earn mega bucks and not obtaining any funding or Capital investment is a chism the size of the universe, well almost.

If any of your august team having any ideas - I would certainly like to hear them. 

8 Responses

  1. a slightly cynical response….

    A "one man business" with a current turnover of 100/125k….hmmmmmm I don’t think you are going to tug at many funding heartstrings!

    You have offered to pay the capital PLUS 20% of your 100/125 per annum for five years… maths isn’t my strong point, but that adds up to 15k + 20% of (min) 500k…which is 100k……..=115K return.  Putting a Dragons’ Den Dragon hat on I’d say that that sounds too good an offer to be true…and if it sounds too good then it probably is….which may be what is putting off any investment backer.


  2. TO & Profit

    What is going through my mind is how much of the 100k is profit? How much of that are you prepared to invest in the "business" – i.e. for 15k you are talking about less than 15% of last years T/O, to (in your words) generate more work. it seems a no brainer…

    Do what you have been doing for another 6-12 months, save and then re-invest the monies in training.


    if you want training I will fund it… I will be your dragon

    Here are my terms

    1) You must provide guarentees/ underwriters to cover the costs of training

    2) I want 49% of your profit for the next 5 years

    3) The loan of 15K must be repaid at the end of year 2

    4) Profits must exceed 20k per year

    5) I have first choice on your availablity to deliver training under my brand at our usual trainer rates


    want to call me?


  3. Dragons Den Style offer

    Hi Nick

    By now you would have realise your messages are on the public forum, You can message me through theis site or via my website (via the contact form)

    49% is not neg – this is a risk assessment, if you don’t like this figure I can change it to 55% if you prefer?

    I am currenly in Dubai, but returning to London tonight – happy to meet in London if you are interested, but will need to see the cashflow forcast, your financials (actuals – real bank statements) and the guarentee you are proposing before we meet – there is no point in wasting eachothers time if the due-dilligence does not work out.




  4. constructive replies

    It is not, in fact, too good to be true. What IS both GOOD and True is the fact that it went up to 49% from 20%.

    A man stood in the street giving away `free` money, as part of an experiment, at the end of the day, he still had loads of money left and commented that it had been really hard trying to give away the money. What sounds like a Panavia Tornado going overhead might in fact be a Eurofighter. Unless you actually put your head out of . . . the window and LOOK, then you can hardly be in a position to confirm can you?

    Have a Great day.



    — Nick.

  5. Rubus . . comment

    Thanks Rubus for your question.

    The answer to which, is in the original question from me. We have recently gone through a credit crunch which has affected the way banks do business – re: your comment: `Business Loans`.  If you go down to your local library you may be able to find passed copies of newspapers – I am sure you can find details of the Credit Crunch, it happened sometime last year, and the year before that and. . . also the year before that.


    Thank you for your time.


    Have a Great Day.


    Also, while I am still here – I have a had a great time on Training Zone. People`s advice to go on here really paid off! I am not only in the company of geniuses (mostly) but also people who obviously DRIVE businesses through or indeed hone and perfect the art of training. This in itself is an inherently effective way of training. In my 20 odd years of training I find the best method is to get the trainees to `learn` and to make learning `fun` especially for the young people.  Trainees on a specific course for a specific qualification, who are usually above teenage and motivated to attend are easy to train and even to bring them up to exam standard through "Sustained Time and Sustained Commitment"

    I have not only found the answer to my original question but I have also found a potential investor.

    Be careful, those of lesser ilk, that to imply or infer carelessly, puts the subject in a lesser light – basic psychology for those who are "supposedly" with qualifications in psycholgy – you see what I mean? Voila. It also makes the poster look stupid. So, to avoid treading on your own foot because you are running down the road believing that a/ you are the most intelligent person in the world ( A common mistake, I shouldn`t worry about it) and b/ the static inertia of your own business has led to your comments of this nature as opposed to looking for leads which is why you came on here in the first place. Take a step back and look – look at the people who are training specialists, look at the people whose BUSINESS is in training and SEE WHAT they are asking and, indeed, advising each other.

    These people, posted on here because they have training questions, are involved with training – training which produces growth – training which educates, improves, enhances and produces a trained ex-trainee – and yet, we are ALL OF US trainees in some sort of philosophical way and we are all, most certainly, learning all the time and we are all massively fortunate to be learning from our students too! For learning begats learning just as knowledge begats knowledge. Training is not the bright shiny consultancy that takes your own watch and tells you the time. E voila encore! Training is the consultancy the produces the desired result – for the individual – his/her team – his/her company – his/her industry – the country and . . . yes, you guessed it –  the world.


    — Nick.

  6. Re: Funding


    Your private response to me as well as the response above belittle you. I am fully aware of the current economic situation.

    I will reiterate that if your figures are as good as you are saying you would have no problem getting a business bank loan, current climate or not.  Banks are in this to make money regardless of the situation.  What they are being more careful of is the business risk, which Mike alludes to.  This suggests to me that whilst you figures may be good the risk you are taking isn’t a good bet as far as the banks are concerned (and if I were you I would worry about that) hence Mike’s request for 49% of your profit for the next 5 years.

    He also states that he is looking for profits to be in excess of 20k (although you do fail to mention currency there Mike!). 

    So Mike is actually asking for nearly 50k for funding you 15k; as he says he is taking the risk.

    Your choice at the end of the day, and Mike’s offer is a fair one – well done Mike.  I will leave you with this comment from Mike’s post though:

    "What is going through my mind is how much of the 100k is profit? How much of that are you prepared to invest in the "business" – i.e. for 15k you are talking about less than 15% of last years T/O, to (in your words) generate more work. it seems a no brainer."

    Be careful of what you wish for. It may come true in too much reality than you expect.





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