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Recommended Neuro Linguistic Programming courses


Can anyone recommend  NLP courses in London or Bristol? As there are only two people interested I would like a cost effective option.

Many thanks


8 Responses

  1. New Forest

    Hi Penny

    This is pobably the best course I have ever been on and certainly some of the best Trainers and Training I have ever experienced.

    Held residentially in new Forest…can’t recommend it highly enough!

    NLP can be life changing so I would choose the course thats right for you rather than location.

  2. NLP courses in Bristol and London

    John Seymour runs courses in Bristol and London at all levels. He is the best trainer I have trained with in 30+ years 

    and runs courses in Bristol and London. He is not aligned to any of the more commercial "brands" of NLP and you receive a very 

    balanced and practical take on NLP.  I took my Trainer training with him in 2007 and have been back to assist on this course twice.

    John encourages this additional level of observation and modelling which is not common practice and provides many new 

    insights to the learning process.  



    Cheers, Nick.



  3. NLP in London or Bristol


    I’d endorse the recommendation of John Seymour in Bristol. He is also probably the best at contextualising NLP in a training setting. In London I’d recommend ITS (Ian McDermott). They have the real top name contributors and a very good reputation. See

    There are some great smaller providers around (and quite a few not so great). Before going for one of these I’d recommend getting more than one endorsement. You can get individuals who are rather evangelical about their person experience which may be more about the life-changing development they got out of the experience rather than the skills they acquired and are able to readily use in other contexts.

    One final point, check the contract carefully before you book, there can be some sneaky clauses in NLP provision that are rare elsewhere. Some, for example, put a claim on your future earnings if you decide to teach others anything that you learnt on the programme. If in doubt, walk away.

    Best of luck

    Graham O’Connell

  4. Thank you

    Thanks to you all for your answers. They were exactly the kind of personal recommendations I was looking for.

  5. Wise words

    Wise words from Graham about identifying a good NLP providor or any other training provider for that matter. I agree about the use

    of "weasle words" by some providers. My experience with three different NLPproviders has been consistent each time. They have

    worked with me to identify my outcomes, none of which included increasing earnings. The new and improved skills I developed  

    continue to contridbute to many productive outcomes for me.


    All the best. 



  6. NLP Courses

    Hi Penny


    Learning to Inspire run a very good programme in Cardiff (not too far from Bristol!) This is certificated by ANLP and also by Chester University which means you can work towards a Foundation Degree in NLP at the same time as gaining an NLP Practitioner Qualification! This also means there is funding attached.

    The course is run in 3 modules of 6 days each, 2 days per month and as such is very manageable timewise. Details of the next one can be found on the website:



  7. NLP trainers

    I did mine (Practitioner) with John Seymour so would recommend but have also trianed with Ian Mc Dermott( trainers training) and David Shephard ( Performance Partnership) trainers training and other courses. I did master practitioner with a local trainer who was also excellent.

    What perhaps you may wish to think about is what is on offer: John Seymour does a longer course usually over months – Encourages loads of practice outside the course. Thorough in his assessment processes

    Ian (ITS) has a slightly different approach and it is a long course over months no formal written work to be assessed as opposed to the JS approach

    Performance Partnership sends CDs out first and then you do the trianing in one block of 7 days ie includes sat and sun and they are long days, and you will get timeline therapy too.  There is written work with Performance Partnertship

    All are very different and each in their own way have something unique . I personally have done long course with all of them and I like each for what they offer which has served me well.

    Marion Dakin


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